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アイヌ語 八雲町

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Number Category Word アイヌ語 八雲町 Pronunciation
36869 Pronouns, Demonstratives, etc I (1st per. sg) /kuani/
36893 Pronouns, Demonstratives, etc you (2nd per. sg) /eaní/
36912 Pronouns, Demonstratives, etc we (1st per. dual incl) /kuaní/
36913 Pronouns, Demonstratives, etc we (1st per. dual incl) /ciokáy (utar)/
36914 Pronouns, Demonstratives, etc we (1st per. dual incl) /aókay (utar)/
36945 Pronouns, Demonstratives, etc this (one) /tanpe/
36946 Pronouns, Demonstratives, etc this (one) /taanpe/
36965 Pronouns, Demonstratives, etc that (one) /toanpe/
36983 Pronouns, Demonstratives, etc who /nen/
37004 Pronouns, Demonstratives, etc what /nep/
37025 Particles and Other Synnomous Forms not /somoné/
37044 Number; Quantity altogether /all /whole /opitta/
37045 Number; Quantity altogether /all /whole /epitta/
37066 Number; Quantity many /poronno/
37091 Number; Quantity one /sinep/
37109 Number; Quantity two /tup/
37127 Form and Shape; Colors; Sounds; Smells big /large /poro/
37146 Form and Shape; Colors; Sounds; Smells long /tanne/
37165 Form and Shape; Colors; Sounds; Smells little /pon/
37184 Kinship Terms, etc female /menokó/