Top » Vocabularies » Nyiha


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Number Category Word Nyiha Pronunciation
50601 Number; Quantity many /vula/
50602 Number; Quantity many /-inji/
50603 Number; Quantity few /-nsi/
50604 Number; Quantity all /-onti/
50605 Sky and Weather; Land Features; Minerals bright /light /sha/
50606 Sky and Weather; Land Features; Minerals bright /light /-zelu/
50607 Sky and Weather; Land Features; Minerals dark /íshiisi/
50608 Sky and Weather; Land Features; Minerals light /umwáanga/
50609 Form and Shape; Colors; Sounds; Smells white /-zelu/
50610 Form and Shape; Colors; Sounds; Smells black /-nyiilu/
50611 Form and Shape; Colors; Sounds; Smells red /-shemamu/
50612 Form and Shape; Colors; Sounds; Smells red /-shemamizu/
50613 Form and Shape; Colors; Sounds; Smells blue /-a bulúu/
50614 Form and Shape; Colors; Sounds; Smells green /igilíini/
50615 Form and Shape; Colors; Sounds; Smells yellow /iyéélo/
50616 Form and Shape; Colors; Sounds; Smells yellow /-lalushizu/
50617 Form and Shape; Colors; Sounds; Smells yellow /lalushila/
50618 Form and Shape; Colors; Sounds; Smells colour /iláangi/
50619 Quality; Character beautiful /fine /-inza/
50620 Quality; Character good /-inza/