Top » Vocabularies » Yakut (Central dialect)

Yakut (Central dialect)

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Number Category Word Yakut (Central dialect) Pronunciation
2063 House; Fire fireplace /χolumtɑn/
2064 Utensils and Tools draw up (Vt) /χomuohunɑn uunu bɑs/
2065 Animals seagull /χopto/
2066 Animals eagle /χotoj/
2067 Parts of the Body; Body Functions throat /χɑbɑrʁɑ/
2068 Utensils and Tools air bladder /χɑbɑχ/
2069 Parts of the Body; Body Functions cry /shout (Vi) /χɑhɯɯtɑɑ/
2070 Sky and Weather; Land Features; Minerals mountain /χɑjɑ/
2071 Utensils and Tools ski /χɑjɯhɑr/
2072 Animals gills /χɑjɯɯ/
2073 Sky and Weather; Land Features; Minerals sky /χɑllɑɑn/
2074 Utensils and Tools (tobacco) pipe /χɑmsɑ/
2075 Animals swallow /χɑrɑŋɑtʃtʃɯ/
2076 Parts of the Body; Body Functions eye /χɑrɑχ/
2077 Parts of the Body; Body Functions tear /χɑrɑχ uutɑ/
2078 Plants bark /χɑtɯrɯk/
2079 Clothing fish skin /χɑtɯrɯk/
2080 Plants birch tree /χɑtɯŋ/
2081 Sky and Weather; Land Features; Minerals snow /χɑɑr/
2082 Animals goose /χɑɑs/