Top » Vocabularies » アイヌ語 八雲町

アイヌ語 八雲町

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Number Category Word アイヌ語 八雲町 Pronunciation
40221 Space left /harki/
40240 Space right /símon/
40259 Quality; Character old /ancient /husko/
40278 Acts towards Things rub /scrub (Vt) /sirusíru/
40299 Acts towards Things pull (Vt) /etayé/
40320 Acts towards Things push (Vt) /oputúye/
40340 Acts towards Things throw /cast (Vt) /eyapkir/
40361 Utensils and Tools strike /beat /hit (Vt) /kik/
40362 Utensils and Tools strike /beat /hit (Vt) /kikkik/
40385 Acts towards Things tear (Vi) /yaske/
40404 Acts towards Things sting /pierce (Vt) /otke/
40426 Acts towards Things dig (Vt) /ouri/
40446 Acts towards Things tie (Vt) /sina/
40466 Clothing sew (Vt) /ninu/
40488 Acts and Behavior fall (Vi) /hácir/
40507 Acts towards Things swell (Vi) /sekukke/
40508 Acts towards Things swell (Vi) /tokse/
40532 Knowledge; Mental Activities think (V) /yaykosiramsuye/
40554 Entertainment and Religion sing (V) /sinotcaki/
40573 Parts of the Body; Body Functions smell (Vt) /húra nu/