Top » Vocabularies » アイヌ語 来知志(恵須取) 現ウグレゴルスク

アイヌ語 来知志(恵須取) 現ウグレゴルスク

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Number Category Word アイヌ語 来知志(恵須取) 現ウグレゴルスク Pronunciation
40202 Form and Shape; Colors; Sounds; Smells straight /eikuanno/
40219 Quality; Character right /correct /pirika/
40238 Space left /hariki/
40257 Space right /siːmon/
40276 Quality; Character old /ancient /husko/
40297 Acts towards Things rub /scrub (Vt) /sirusiru/
40318 Acts towards Things pull (Vt) /ehekem/
40338 Acts towards Things push (Vt) /okasura/
40359 Acts towards Things throw /cast (Vt) /ociwe/
40383 Utensils and Tools strike /beat /hit (Vt) /koyki/
40402 Acts towards Things tear (Vi) /naske/
40424 Acts towards Things sting /pierce (Vt) /eciwkara/
40444 Acts towards Things dig (Vt) /poye/
40464 Acts towards Things tie (Vt) /muye/
40486 Clothing sew (Vt) /ukawka/
40505 Acts and Behavior fall (Vi) /haːciri/
40530 Acts towards Things swell (Vi) /sekuhke/
40552 Knowledge; Mental Activities think (V) /ipaːkari/
40571 Entertainment and Religion sing (V) /yuːkara/
40592 Parts of the Body; Body Functions smell (Vt) /huraha rah/