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アイヌ語 来知志(恵須取) 現ウグレゴルスク

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Number Category Word アイヌ語 来知志(恵須取) 現ウグレゴルスク Pronunciation
39818 Sky and Weather; Land Features; Minerals ice /ruh/
39837 Sky and Weather; Land Features; Minerals snow /opas/
39857 Sky and Weather; Land Features; Minerals freeze (Vi) /rupus/
39876 Kinship Terms, etc child /hekaci/
39895 Sky and Weather; Land Features; Minerals dark /sirikunne/
39914 Acts towards Things cut (Vt) /tuye/
39933 Space broad /wide /oseh/
39952 Space narrow /ohuhne/
39971 Space distant /far /tuyma/
39990 Space near /hanke/
40009 Form and Shape; Colors; Sounds; Smells thick /ironne/
40028 Form and Shape; Colors; Sounds; Smells thin /kapara/
40047 Form and Shape; Colors; Sounds; Smells brief /short /otahkon/
40066 Number; Quantity heavy /paːse/
40085 Form and Shape; Colors; Sounds; Smells blunt /dull /ituye koyaykus/
40104 Form and Shape; Colors; Sounds; Smells sharp /acute /enkenoː/
40123 Quality; Character dirty /ciecaːke/
40142 Quality; Character not correct /wen/
40161 Food and Drink rotten /munin/
40180 Quality; Character smooth /raːrah/