Top » Folk Tales » 2-15 The Orphan Japanese / English
2-15 The Orphan Folk tale of Chukchi by Kerginto, Alla Source
Original Text
2-15 Ейвэл
Энмэн, ганымытвален чавчыв гэӈэвъэнэ ынкъам ыргин экык. Ырык нытваӄэн ейвэлӄэй. Ытлён ӄонпы мигчирыльу нылгыӄин. Наӄам таӈъаткэвма нынэвиръыльэвӄин. Ымыльо ынинэт эвиръыт гэчимиръэтлинэт. ӄол итгъи тъылыӈогъэ чавчывэн экык, наӄам ытлён ы’лгыэкку гитлин. ӈэвъэн иквъи: ― Опопы ейвэл мынынмын ынкъам мургин экык нымэлевын. Чавчыв татлыӈыткогъэ: ― Э-э-эй, китъам ӄун. ӄол итгъи рыюлӄытгъи ейвэл. Наӄам ӈаргынэн нылгичьэчеӈэт- ӄин. ӄэлюӄ-ым ӈинӄэй э’ӄэвиръыльын ныӄивъеӄин. ӄората ӈалгылё нынтыӄин йылӄыӈӈок, ынӄэната йъарат эӄивъекэ нитӄин. Ынӈин ӄората ныномавӄэн. Лыгэн-ым титэ нэмэ ейвэл эквэтгъи ӄорагты, ӈэвъэн чавчывэн иквъи: ― Мытэйкынэт турэвиръыт яйвалеты яттагнэты ӄорайпы. ӈыроӄ ы’лёӈэт ваӈэгъэ чавчывэн ӈэвъэн. Волӄытвэӈӈок ы’вэӄучитэ ивнин ытлён: ― Игыр рэеты ейвэл ӄорайпы, мынынмын ынкъам мургин экык нымэлевын. Рыюльын ӈинӄэй ивнин ынпыӄората: ― Игыр рагтык гыт наранмыгыт, иӈӄун ыргин экык нымэлевын. Мынэквэнмык ӄоленымэты. Эквэтгъэт. Нылеӄинэт. Люур ӈинӄэй иквъи: ― Ынӈатал тылгигытъэвык! ӄората ивнин: ― Китъамӄун ӄыйӈоткогын нутэсӄын. Эплеэн ныраӄыткэӄэн!? ӈинӄэе йыӈотконэн ынкъам иквъи: ― Лёӈыткэта рэӄэ. ӄората ивнин: ―Эвъим ӄъатчагэ, ынан раӄамэтвагъа. Нэмэ эквэтгъэт. Нылеӄинэт. Нэмэ ӈинӄэй иквъи: ― Тыгтыгытъавык ынӈатал. ӄораӈы татлыӈыткой: ― Нутэсӄын ӄыйӈоткогын. ӈинӄэй коргыӄолентогъэ: ― Ынӈатал аръаткэта! ӄораӈы иквъи: ― Эвъим чымче варкын нымным. ӄэглынангэт пыкиргъэт ӄулинымык. Ынкы нымэльэв ваӈӈогъат. Ытръэч. - -
2-15 The Orphan
There lived a rich reindeer herder with his wife and son.
An orphan lived with them.
They always made him work, but treated him badly:
They didn’t give him enough food.
His clothes were full of holes.
One day the reindeer herder’s son got sick.
They decided to kill the orphan so that the son would recover.
The wife said:
― Let’s kill the orphan!?
I want our son to recover!?
The husband agreed.
In a hard frost, the orphan went to the reindeer herd.
He was freezing in his clothes full of holes.
At that time the wife of the herder started making new clothes for the orphan and said:
― I’ll make him new clothes.
As soon as he comes, we’ll kill him.
Let’s make a sacrifice to the evil spirits.
The herder’s wife spent three days making clothes.
In the evening, the husband warned her:
― Today the orphan is coming back.
Finish the clothes.
The orphan made friends with the reindeer.
When the frost was hard, the reindeer curled around him, so he was warm.
When the boy started preparing to leave for the yaranga, the oldest reindeer warned him:
The reindeer herder and his wife are going to kill you today.
They want to sacrifice you so that their son will recover.
Let’s go to the other camp.
They set out.
They were riding and the boy became hungry.
He said:
― I want to eat!?
The reindeer answered:
― Smell the earth and tell me what it smells like.
The boy smelt the earth and said:
― I can’t smell anything.
The reindeer said:
― Be patient.
You’ll eat later.
They left.
They were riding.
The orphan got really hungry and said again:
― I really want to eat.
The reindeer answered:
― Smell the earth.
The boy happily exclaimed:
― It smells of boiled meat!?
The reindeer said:
― It means that a camp is near.
They started to live there happily.
The end.