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Seven evil beings Folk tale of Udehe/(Udihe) by Kanchuga, Zuza Zanzulevna Source
Original Text
нада ниӈуаи
ҙуу аҙига багдими~ багдими, ''гээ нэхусэ, мафанами гээнэҙэфи,'' уӈкини. ''гээ, гулинэҙэфи гээ,'' гулинээти~, ӈэнэми-э~ ӈэнэми-э~ ӈэнэми-э омо ҙугди пуња~ пуњаналаила иинээти, ута-даа, гээ, утаухи ииjэти, омо мамака биэни. ''э~ идиги эмэу аҙигаҙига.'' ''буу омо баадиги эмэу.'' ''jаухи ӈэнэу суу?'' ''багдилагафи галактанау буу.'' ''аӈаасиу, сафани минду.'' ''аӈаасиҙау jаухи дулэнэҙэу эҙэӈэу дулэ. аӈаасиаму.'' гээ аӈаасилиати~ сикиэ, сикиэгиэни~, ''гээ, гээ бии сунэвэ ҙиаҙами бии ситэнэми сэунииӈку. ниива дигаити.'' гээ эхимэни-тэнэ бааҙала, уэпти цаалани ҙиаани~, нэӈумэни-тэнэ, нэӈумэни-тэнэ, илэ ҙиаа бисэ-тэ. доозо аӈи, занавеска цаалани ҙиаани. утааси, гээ~ сикиэисини куутул эмэгидугэ гунэ~ њуӈунҙимэ наданҙима-дээ ниӈуаи. ''гээ, эниӈэ~ идиги нии хуним биини. ими нии хуни эниӈэ.'' ''анчи~ анчи jэу нии хуумэ бааиу суу хуу биэ-ҙэ-нэ.'' ''гээ гээ,'' ӈуактаи-лиэ. дигаа дигааси. ''гээ эниӈэ нимаасиjа буу тимана ӈэнэи баалагау ниива.'' эи-тэнэ энити нимаасилиани. ''эи~ омо мамака бисини-э~ эи-тэнэ, ҙугди-гдэ эмусэ-дэ. ҙубэ аҙига эмээти~ эхимэни-тэнэ бааҙала уэпти цаалани ҙиаани~.'' нэӈумэни-тэнэ, нэӈумэни-тэнэ, эсини-дээ диана, ҙиасаини. вааҙаӈа, тэу вааҙаӈа бисити. эхимэни гаҙигааси чуан чуан гузасиак, дигаати, тэу-дэ. гиамани бими-э ини тэу мэӈдэ ниӈмэлиэти. амбаама. утадиги, утадиги, оно нихээ бисэ-дэ, э~ тимаа тимаа~, тээгими њаа ӈэнэктэи-лиэ~ ути, эсити-дэ гэлэ дигалафи-да. jэу гэлэдуҙэ. ӈэнээ ӈэнээ ниива бааа бааа дигаигату. гээ, олоктосиати дигасиак ээти ути мамакаҙуӈа. ''аҙига, мама дили кумугэдиjэ.'' кумугэдиэни~ кумугэдиэни куак куак-даа ӈуаа гунэ~ туу туу ӈуаа гунэ~, ''мама~,'' гуми-дээ туу туу мама, атугавани ҙавааси кутээни~, утала чибҙэхини ниани аӈи, куу, кугэхи ниани биэ гунэ. тэу угу хуаӈкини~. ини мэӈдэ сиисэ. утаду ҙаваа тэтиэни эи-тэнэ, тэтиэси ҙугдумэ лэмдуу лэмдуу диэусиэни. ''аjа, оҙи сусаҙами бии сафани, сикиэ эмэгиэ обязательно дигаҙаӈати минэвэ, утигату.''
баихии ниуэк диэлиэни~ сиатаа-дээ, диэлими-э~ диэлими-э~ диэлими-э~ диэлими-э, омо ҙугди, пуња~ биэ гунэ. гооко даака дааба диэлиэни биҙэи. утала укэлэни дооони. мооло дооо~си исэсиэни доӈдогу~ кэгухи. гээ, ути jэгдигэ эмээ, ''э~ идиги эмээни кэгухи али али-даа эи исэптэ~ буубуи. маи бии улигдига воово ҙавандами бии утава воономи. хуканами вооок тулэк ээни. утала улэвэ нэдээк, ута ҙогҙоноо~ лэӈгэ лэӈгэ~ тааани хукалани чэӈгэ чэӈгэ-дэ. jэгдигэ асуктагиак, гаҙиак, ҙугдилаjи нэдээк, омо чотоӈолони дооӈконони нэдэк ээни. дуисиэни~ ӈуагиани~ сикиэ, ӈуагиисини воогок ӈуаисини сэлээни эи, инээни гунэ~ҙугди доони ӈээм-дэ. ''эjэ~ эи оно ӈуаами бии эинэӈи ааӈ, дэувэми. инэдэлэ ӈуаами.'' тээгими баихи ӈэнээ э~ баала пау пау биэ гунэ. ути ҙугди доолани оно ӈээгҙэ биини. ҙугдитиги иигээси исэсиэни, кугэхиӈитиги исэсиэ анчи гунэ~ jаухи ӈэнээ. таухи ицаи каӈатиги этэӈиэ утаду ӈуаини гунэ~ кугэхиӈи офоктои тиу хоондилани нэгиэ~ бэлиэнтэ ӈуаини гунэ. гээ утава, офокто... кэгухиӈи ниаӈивани ҙаваак, ҙиаак ээни. экэ~ ӈэнээси, хабалани ҙаваани эи-тэнэ. ''элэ~ jэу ҙавасанаи сии бии хабаваи,'' уӈкини. ''jэу ҙавасанаи, бии хабаваи,'' уӈкини. ''э~ идиги эмэи,'' уӈкини, ''сии?'' ''эи~ бии гоо баадиги эмээми,'' уӈкини. ''сии мафахи бии-нуу?'' ''бии мафахи бими ими эмэҙэми-дээ. диэлиэнҙии.'' ''гээ, минҙуӈэ мамасамула эдэҙэфи. сафани, '' ''эисии галула jаҙата,'' уӈкини. бисити~ вооко бими бими омо баатава аҙигава халугасиати, гаиту-гдэ-дэ. аҙига сагдиндима, баата ицандима. бааани ситэнэми. утэ~ бими бими гусилиэти~ ситэнэни. гээ ути амбааӈи то'осисилии-лиэ. гээ, мафатиги дианаи, ''элэ, элэ ииндэити биҙэ бии амбаӈинаи, сии бии туунэи вооjо.'' баала илаама туу илуи-э. илаа туу илувэ, ''таа омомо-тоно тааӈкилани сэлэхиҙи, хутигалани сэлэхиҙини илуи,'' гуӈкини, ''вооjо.'' утэ омо инэӈи инэсими-э вооони. гаиту-гдэ туу туунээни. ''сии эинэӈи эҙи ӈэнэ.'' ''ӈэнэҙэӈэи аjа. гооло эҙэи ӈэнэ бии. даасала хулиҙэми.'' ӈэнэи-лиэ мафани тэтигэ тэтигээси. (вакцанаини?) иӈкэ, вакцанаини. инэӈи туаӈкаа, гээ, баала заузау заузау заузау jэӈпэнэлиэ гунэ заузау заузау-даа нии дианаа гунэ. ''гээ, аӈи, ситэнэми далусиjа, госооноjи эмэити биҙэ исэнэу баала.'' (ситэнэми?) иӈкэ. гээ, нихуаналидугэ гунэ, гээ саӈњамугу чуулини ниувэни баихи. (энини?) а~ энини. ''оно jаҙаи,'' гунҙи, ''оно нихэи онофи мутэҙэфи ҙуу ҙуу њаулава. оно хэбуҙэми оно.'' тэу дигаи-лиэ иими утигату, ҙуу њаулава. омо баатава омо аҙигава. ути туутиги туктиэни-э хэтигэӈкини утаухи. ''эдэ~ эдэ њањуу эмэгиҙэ~ њањуу элээ бии њањуу амбааӈи њањуу иинэктээти њањуу, эмэгиjэ њањуу тугэҙи њањуу,'' ӈасигиани-э~ ути туу дуэлэни тэээси. ''илэ гаиту догдиҙа-та баа гоотиги ӈэнээ.'' гээ, омо моо моголиа илигээси кихилиэ ими-мэи тугбудуҙэ, надандима-таи. омо туувэ тугбулиэ гагдатигини хэтигэӈкини-э~ гагдавани њаа хаи кихиду гунэ ҙэӈгэмэди-дээ. ''хэлибэҙи этигэни эмэгии ҙулилэни дигалагафи хэлибэ кихиу.'' гунҙимэли дианаду гунэ, хаиси. гээ, кихиду гунэ кихи... гээ, ӈасигиа, ''мафаи эдэ-дэ~ элэ нада ниӈуаиду њањуу, диулигэjэ~ њањуу, хэлибэдэ эмэгиjэ њањуу, илэ ӈэнэи њањуу, элээ нада ниӈуаи минэвэ дигалига њањуу,'' хэутигиэҙи хэутигиини, хэутигии, хэутигии нет. тугбуи-лиэ, утава ути сукпуӈу њаа ути. сэлэмэ хутигатиги хэтигэӈкини. ''гээ хэлибэ. эи омото эсигиэни ими-мэи тугбуҙэу утава. хэли кихиу.'' ҙэӈгэмди кихилиэ тэу моголиа илигээси. кихии кихии, сэлэлэ иинэи киӈгу киӈгу киӈгу кихиниӈэсиэти. гээ, ути агдаатигини эмэгии-лиэ мафани. чоо~ сагдива гакпаани. ''элээ~ jэу амидиалани њаӈга ӈуандаҙами. кэту амуи минду.'' ''хэли кихиу мафа эмэгии ҙулиэ, дигалаафи.'' ваами... будэми дианаини. ''jэу амива бааи-jа хэли кихиҙэфи мафа эмэгии ҙулиэни дигалаафи.'' ҙаани хаи утэ-бэдэ дианаини. будэини, тиӈмэи jаҙата, ути. њаа ути киалани биэвэ гакпаани, ути-дээ хаи ами диалани ӈуагии-лиэ. ути наданҙуӈа тэу гакпаанҙи вааани. ''гээ, эҙи ӈэнэ эҙи ӈэнэ эсэи гунэ-ну, бии синэвэ. ситэвэ тэу дигадугэ сања воонони,'' уӈкини. ''дигами дигадутэҙэ њаа баатаиҙа. минти хаи эсифи сагдаӈи.''
утадиги, оно бисэ-дээ утадиги эмнэ эмнэ дигаи-лиэ аӈи-лиэ, элэ анчи эдэини биҙэ мутуми биҙэ. улэвэни тэу сэунээ вагиа эjэ. ''элээ энини эмэлигэ, энити. эмэисити ути ситэнэми улэвэ олоктоо дигаванатаиҙа. хоӈтово эҙи олокто,'' уӈкини. бими~ бисини-э~ тээти-э~ доӈдотити~ эмэи гунэ ситэнэми хоктово чуулини-дэ. ниаҙини тэу аӈи, пиӈгусэ воосиани. (надама пиӈгусэ.) ути, нада ути улэлэни тэу тала ваца тала ваца тэу тэусиэни, чоо сагдила-тана ути нада дилива тэугиэни. утадиги, доӈдотитиа~ эмэи-лиэ ути мамака. ''э~ аҙига~ бии ситэнэми оло эсэ эмэду?'' ''биити оду мама. ӈэнээти уэтиги вакцанаати, аӈаамҙи. вакцаити, улэвэ лиаси вааати. бии-дэ касува ивэ вагисиами чигаи эмэи, синадагидии.'' гээ, эи-тэнэ, бэjэни ситэнэду улэвэни олоктоок дигаванаак ээни. ''гээ, мудаӈиҙами. иигиҙэми,'' гунэ, ''аjа баҙи буубу.'' ''гээ синадагиҙа. эи jэу угэи бааҙаи-та. огоува синадагими.'' омо дили-тэнэ угэи битэҙэ. ''эи чоо сагди путаава њауху эҙи ниэнтилэ, чоо амиала ниэнтилэjэ. ута-тэнэ имэхи тэгэjи тэтигиэ ваигаjи ваигалагиа, имэхи ауми тэтигиэ, уӈтаjи аjа аjа уӈтаjи тэтигиэ ээси, какпалитаиҙа ути сагди путаава. эи ицаа путаа аjа, њауху дигаи.'' гээ~ ӈэниэ дигаани~ њауху ути ицаа путаава тэу дигаани, олоктоми дигаани, малаани~ ''гээ, эи-кээ малаа-jа.'' гээ, аjактани тэгэjи тэтигиэ, ваигаjи ваигалагиа, аjа уӈтаjи аjа ауми тэтигиэ, какпалиани, ''эдэдигэи-э~'' нададуга ситэнэни дилини ҙакчианҙига биити гунэ~, ''энэjэ~ тукцаӈа сањанани-а,'' уӈкини. ''эи бии ситэjи улэвэни тэу дигагиами бээбу,'' говорит. ''сафани-а будэҙэми-э бии-дэ.'' хэиги сулуктэвэни таӈдами~ мээми лооони, чэӈгэм-дэ. будэи-лиэ.
Seven evil beings
Two girls once lived together. The older sister said, ‘My younger sister, let’s go and look for husbands.’ The younger sister said, ‘Yes, let us go on a journey.’ And so the tow set of. As they travelled, they reached a house billowing out smoke from its chimney. They entered the house. There was an old woman. ‘Where are you from?’ asked the old woman. ‘We’re from a certain place.’ ‘And where are you going?’ ‘We’re looking for husbands in order to live.’ ‘I see. Anyway, you can put up here.’ ‘Since we can’t travel any further, we will stay.’ And so the two stayed at the house. As night falls, the old woman says, ‘I’m going to hide you, because my children eat human beings.’ Then the woman hid the older sister in the shadow of a door. She hid the younger sister on a hanging shelf. The old woman’s seven children came back with a racketing noise. They asked, ‘Mother, we don’t know where it’s from, but we smell humans. What’s going on?’ ‘Don’t be silly. How can there be the smell of humans? It’s probably just your own smell.’ ‘Oh really? Okay.’ So they ate and all went to bed. The children asked, ‘Mother, please tell us a story about us going out tomorrow and finding humans.’ The mother started telling a story: ‘An old woman was at home by herself. Out of two girls, she hid the older sister behind the door.’ She didn’t mention the younger sister. If she did, they would have killed both of them. The children got hold of the older sister, took her apart and ate her. They swallowed her up, bones and all. Morning came, and the children went out. The old woman ate breakfast together with the younger sister. The old woman said to the younger sister, ‘Pick out the lice on my head.’ As the younger sister was picking out lice, the old woman dozed off. The younger sister took the woman’s sewing bag and searched the contents. Inside there was a lynx fur and the whole skin of a blue jay. The younger sister took out the bird skin. She quietly flew around inside the house, flapping her wings. The younger sister said, ‘Okay, I’m going to escape in this. When the children come back in the evening they are surely going to eat me.’ The younger sister flapped her wings and flew off from the house.
As she flew, she reached a house billowing smoke from its chimney. She touched down by the doorway. The younger sister, clothed with the blue jay skin, stopped in a tree and looked around. Just then, a young man came home and said, ‘Where did you come from, blue jay? I haven’t seen you before, you beautiful thing. I’m going to catch you to keep as a pet.’ The young man made a trap, then set it up with meat. The bird came to peck at it, and was caught in the trap. The young man loosened the trap and brought the bird into the house. He put a perching branch at the corner of the room. The young man went to sleep. When he woke, it was morning. The whole house was filled with light. ‘Why did I ever go to sleep? I must have been tired today.’ The young man went outside. It was pitch-dark outside. Why was it bright inside then? He went back inside and looked. The blue jay was not there. When he looked at the small floor heater, there was a woman sleeping with blue jay feathers as her pillow. The young man hid the skin. He walked up to her quietly and grabbed her breasts. The woman said, ‘Why did you grab my breasts?’ The young man asked, ‘Where did you come from?’ ‘I’m from a far place.’ ‘Do you have a husband?’ ‘If I did, I wouldn’t bother flying all the way here.’ ‘Well, let’s be husband and wife.’ The woman answered, ‘Yes. If you don’t mind, I would really like that.’ And so the two started living together. They had a boy and a girl. The children grew up to a playing age. The woman had a dream about the evil beings. She said to her husband, ‘The evil beings are coming very soon. You make some poles.’ They built three poles outside. ‘Make sure tone of the poles is built with a core of iron.’ They built the poles until nighttime and stood them up. The woman said, ‘Don’t go out today.’ But her husband answered, ‘It’s okay to go out. I won’t go far. I’ll just walk around nearby. The man got dressed and went out to hunt. At noon there was a sound of noisy talking outside. The woman escaped out through the chimney. Even as she was thinking of how to bring her two children out, the evil beings went inside and ate up the children. The woman climbed up a pole. ‘My husband! Come back! The evil beings are here. Come back, quick!’ shouted the woman. The woman sat on the top of the pole. ‘Looks like her husband has gone faraway.’ The evil beings stood around the pole, gnawed at it and made it fall. The woman jumped to the next pole. The evil beings gnawed at this next pole. ‘Gnaw at it, quick! Let’s eat her up before her husband comes back!’ said the evil beings. The woman shouted, ‘The evil beings are about to eat me now! Quick! Come back!’ But her husband still does not come. The evil beings gnawed at the pole and toppled it. The woman jumped over to the pole with the iron core. The evil beings said, ‘Hurry up! This one left is just like the last one. We’ll just have to topple it. Quick! Gnaw at it!’ They started gnawing at it, but when they got to the iron part, they just slipped off without being able to grab at it. Meanwhile, the husband came back He hit the oldest evil being. ‘Ah, I’m feeling sleepy. I think I’ll take a nap. I’m really, really sleepy.’ ‘Come on! Keep gnawing! We’re eating her before her husband comes back,’ said the evil beings. One of the evil beings died. The husband hit the other evil beings next to it. Eventually he hit all seven and killed them all. ‘I told you not to go! They’ve eaten up the children, those evil beings!’ said the woman. The husband answered, ‘So what if they’ve eaten the children? We can have more children. It’s not as if we’re old or anything.’
The two of them cut up the evil beings one by one, into small portions of meat and hung them out to dry. ‘Soon the mother of these things will come. When she does, we’ll serve her a stew made with her own children’s meat,’ they said. As they went on with their daily life, the evil being’s mother followed her children7s footsteps and came over with her humpback and on her walking stick. The couple divided all the meat off the seven evil beings and put them into seven bags. Into the biggest bag they put the seven heads. The old woman asked, ‘Have my sons been here?’ ‘Yes, they have. They’ve gone to the forest, and are camping there for a few days and hunting. They hunted down a lot of meat. We’ve dried some of it, and would like you to take some home.’ They served the old woman some of her own children’s meat. The old woman was about to leave. ‘Here, carry this home on your back. It’s dry, so it isn’t heavy at all. Actually heads don’t dry, so even one of them would have been heavy. ‘You mustn’t open the biggest bag first. Open it last. When you do, put on new clothes, earrings and a new hat. Wear fine shoes as well. Then open it. Eat the meat from the small bags first.’ The old woman went home. She ate up all the meat in the small bags. Then, she dressed herself up as she was told and opened up the big bag. ‘Oh, my God!’ Inside the bag were the heads of her seven sons, baring their teeth. ‘Oh, damn! I’ve eaten up all my children’s flesh. There’s nothing else to do. I have to kill myself.’ The old woman pulled out the cord from her trousers and hanged herself. Her body swung from side to side, and she died.