Two sisters lived together
Folk tale of Udehe/(Udihe)
by Kanchuga, Zuza Zanzulevna
ҙуу бэлиэ эхимулэ бисити
ҙуу бэлиэ эхимулэ бисити~ бисити~
э~ ҙубэ соӈго эмэдугэ эи-тэнэ,
оно нихэуҙэӈэ, эхини-тэнэ ӈээлэми ӈээлэми олоктоони
нэӈуни-тэнэ хулааҙи нэмэми кэптэгиэни~ ӈээлэми олоктооси
дигаванаани~, ''оно иду соӈго дигаини хэкуи ҙэувэ,''
мэисиэни утиду хаиси.
дигаа дигаа ӈэниктэдугэ гунэ~
ицаандима-тэнэ, нэӈуни ээлэни тэээ, сагдиндима-тэнэ аини ээлэни тэээни.
гээ, ӈэниктэи-лиэ, бими~ гээнҙи эдээти~
''ути jэу сањадигини багдиини jэу эи. нии эмугдэлэни-нэ.''
бими бими~ эхини њауху jатасиани~ баата бааани.
игомпово хэкээси, хуаигааси-даа нэдээду гунэ~,
ҙуӈэ ҙуӈэ ҙугдити дагбалани, моо-да мэнэ эмээ гунэ,
мэнэ jэусисэ биэ, гунэ, гээ, оно нихэуҙэӈэ-тэ, эи.
эхини jатасиани, баата бааани ааҙи каптагиани~ игисиэни~ хабаусими,
нэӈуни-дээ элээ jатасилиани~, лугбаӈи хэбунээ ӈэнээни~
тээ ули киатигини воокто эгдилэ~
ӈэнээни лиаси эгди логбо логбо вооктоло ӈэнээси утаду jатасиани,
баата бааани хаиси ути-дэ пакпак-да. утаду jатасиани,
ситэjи каптагиак аjаҙи-да. тээсиини~ утаду, сикиэнээ эсигилисини,
ӈэниэни, ӈэниэ, ''э~ илэ хулии, нэхусэ сии.''
''баихи хулими-ҙэнэ.'' ''jэу jэу хулии.'' jэу гаҙиини-тэ,
ситэjи гаҙиини-ҙэнэ, ''илэ, илэ jатасинасаи илэ,''
гунэини. ''тээ~ ули киалани хулисэи бии. сагди ули,
ули киалани утала лиаси эгди воокто кэту њамаи бисэ,
њамаи њамаи суу-нэ,'' каптагиани, гаҙиани гунэ, игисиэти~
ситэфи. ситэjи каптагиак, сикиэк хабаусиэк, аjаҙи каптагиак хабаусиэк
амбугиак, баихи ӈэнээни, баихи ӈэнэмидулэ~ ҙоӈноу эдэми диэлиэни~
(сања вооони куаи сања-тэнэ.) ҙоӈноу эдэми диэлиэни~
омо ҙугдила ӈэнээни. ути аӈила, дооо~ бисини,
э~ чаӈаланиӈэсиити гунэ ҙуу баата хаку. jэу вооини~
унигаҙига-гда jэу сабугаҙига-гда jэу сањавани-гда~ вооити гунэ,
ҙуӈэ куанигасими-дэ. кээ, ути нэӈундима,
аини-тэнэ мэнэ куаи мэнэ воои, тэу jэу.
эи хугэҙигэ-гдэ гуакчи хугэҙигэ-гдэ jэу-гдэ сањавани вооити гунэ,
эи-тэнэ исэсиэни, ути нэӈундимэ, вооми вооми
тэу чикаа гунэ~. тоотиги вээндээк ээ гунэ,
''ути ситэдуjи хэбулэми агдаҙаӈаи иду чикаи-да утава-на.''
эими jаӈҙала-маи, ''сафани бии,'' кэптэгиэк эи-лиэ.
хулааҙи нэмэгиэк кэптэгиэк, бэлиэнтэ нихээмэни амнаини.
гээ, утадиги э~ ӈэниэни ҙуктиги, ''jаухи хулии нэхусэ,
сии кэту гооҙи.'' ''баи хулисэми-ҙэнэ jэу хулиҙэми,''
ситэни хаи ӈуами~ биини гунэ, ҙугдила иигиэ,
гээ утэ догбони ӈуаати~ тиманаӈи тээгиэти.
олоктосиа дигаати, дигаами мутугээси-дэ~ э~ ути,
эхини мафаӈати эмээ гунэ, тухи хэбунээ эмэини гунэ,
гээ, эмэисини олоктоони~ ути эхини.
нэӈуни-тэнэ хулаа кум кэптэгиэни, њаа.
''эи jэу ими нихэи нэхусэ сии,
оно нихэми, оно нихэми, сигди бааи-jэ,'' уӈкини, ''сии.''
туу туу бисини-э~ эхими дианаисини-дээ,
олоктосиани~ ути эмээмэни дигаваӈкини~ мутуэни~ ути,
дигалаами сиусими-дэ эсини тээги, эхини дигалаани
мохово уиjэ нэдэмди, ''элээ эхэ гулинэми-э,
мэнэ ӈуаиҙа сии,'' гуӈкини, гулиӈкини~ ниуми-дэ,
''оно нихээми бии, эхэ мафалаивани-дэ эими исэси бии,''
баихи ниувэни тээгими-дэ, ака-мали~ исэсиэни~ эхими.
''jэу ниини бими бии.'' (гээ,) тээгиэк, ҙалитиги ӈэнээк,
омо гуулу сэхи гаҙисаак, ситэjи тэгэнэни хэигинэни,
дили аву мэӈдэ вооони, тэгэнэни, мэнэ,
мэндинэми хаи утэ-бэдэ вооони. тэтэвээк, гээ, тоо илаак ээни.
''гээ, сии цэҙэ jэгдигэ ситэни бими, эниӈэ тоотиги вээндэивэjи.
илаалиа понтолими соӈго ситэни эдэҙэи,'' вээндэлээни тоотиги.
(ситэи?) пуӈгулими пуӈгулими илаалиа пуӈгулитэми,
хаjа хаjак-да тээгиэни, соӈго ситэни эдээни, эи-тэнэ. бэjэни хэтигэнээни,
ута хаиси соӈго эдээни, соӈго мамани эдээни, хаку.
''гээ, ӈэнэҙэфи.'' ӈэнээни~ ситэjи хэбунээ,
чомбо чомбо чомбо чомбо чомбо њауху ӈэнээни~
эними амиалани бомбоо тити тити ааани, ситэни-дэ.
ӈэнэми~ омо соӈго одокони ӈуагиандила иинээти, агду доолони.
агдула иинээти, ''гээ, э~ одоо,'' гуӈкини,
бии ситэхи бими~ сии омо коктоулани
минду чолоо нэдэjэ,'' гуӈкини, бэjэни чолоини,
гээ эи-тэнэ, ''гээ эмэи-ҙэ, њухуанаи-ҙа,'' гуӈкини,
њухуанаани~ ситэjи, дулаӈкила амбувани ӈуаати~ утаду,
гээ, биауjаҙига бааи-лиэ ути хоктолоти, ути,
ути укэтигини соӈго хоктони эдээни, идиги эмээни~,
баазагалани нет, анчи, бэjэти соӈго, укэдигини соӈго хоктони эдээни,
гээ хаjагиани jаҙата. хаjаани хаии~ эи-тэнэ,
тухинэфи хэбунээ хаилиити утигату биауjаҙига, сањанани.
''гээ, гээ,'' гуӈкини, ''нии баадуга, суу хоктолиу,
минтивэ, буу чоо њауху ниуҙэми,
утааси бии амиалаи сии ситэи ниуҙэ.
сии ситэи ниувэ, синэвэ-тэнэ ииниги ҙавадуҙа ата вааду.
сии ситэвэи-кэ ваадуҙа, гээ.'' гээ, эмэити,
цэҙэ-дэ эмэиси ниусии ниусии, ниувэни ути одокоӈити
њауху, вааати~ утива гидалаати, гидааси вааати.
гээ утадиги баатаӈини ниувэни, ''хиэ~ хиэ~ хиэ~ хиэ~,''
утаухи хокчовасии эуси хокчовасии гээ, амини тукиамани~
''бии ситэвэи эҙи ваа~ бии ситэвэи эҙи ваа,'' тукиани гунэ.
''бии ситэвэи эҙи ваа,'' гунэини, ''ути бии ситэи,''
соӈго, эсимэни иинэ, пукчалилиа~ вааати, ути-тэнэ.
''сањаӈа хэктинэни-э,'' гуӈкини, ''бии ситэвэи эҙи ваа,'' гунэиду,
оно, оно сии ситэи биини,
соӈго-но ута. бии эими саа дианаами jэу,'' гуӈкини, гаагиани.
ситэjи гаагиак, тэгэjи асуктаак, каптаак дэкэӈисиэк нэдээк ээни.
''гаҙими-да аjа, сања вооони. тэулээси гаҙими-да аjа.
jэу гаҙии утэ-бэдэ багдигиҙаӈава,'' утала нэдээк ээни,
тэгэҙи каптаак. ӈэниэни~ тимаасанаӈи,
гээ, гээ, элээ ваалиити ути энимэни ииниги гаҙиафи,
''элээ~ нэхусэ, элээ тиманаӈи синэвэ, вааҙаӈати~,'' гунээ,
соӈоини эхини. jэу jэувэни тэу оно-доо мэӈдэ кэниjэ, ''нэхусэ сии,
jэу будэкцэми нихэи jэу,'' гуӈкини.
эини саа, лиата куаӈ куаӈ хэутисиини, тагдаини,
эхинтиги эхинтиги туу дианаа. ''гээ,'' эхини, ''гээ, эҙи, эҙи сигди баа,''
соӈоо вадиjа. ''бии, сии дигалагаи хэбуэми дигаи ава,
тэу сасаасиани маамаа-да.
утааси, тиманаӈи њаа эмээни. эи-кэ эсини-дэ соӈо,
эсини-дээ jаа. ''гээ, нэхусэ дигалами тээгиjэ, маа.''
тээгивэнээси, дигаани, хэбуэмэни. ''гээ, эи тимана вааҙаӈати,
нэхусэ синэвэ њаа,'' гуӈкини, ''гээ, бии нэӈулэ-дээ анчи эсигиҙэми.''
эи-тэнэ, тимаасанаӈи, гээ, ваалиати, утава.
кэ~, эсимэти-дэ ваа, аӈи, сакиа хагдиани эдэми,
моотиги лагбанаани~, вааи-лиэ, хуктэндээти э~ тии лэлиини
оњоо~ тии абду, чэӈдэм-дэ, ниани доозолони биини,
''эи нии буубу-нэ эи, jэу буjи бими нихэу,
ава~ ниива,'' гуӈкини, jэу дигаҙаӈани, нии улэвэни.
''нии эми би, оно биини,'' гунээ, лэлиихи абдухи,
jэу-дэ хэм-дэ. оњоохи хаиси, гээ утава.
эсити-дэ дига, вээндэлээти эи-тэнэ.
эхини ӈэнээк, наа улэндэк, бугээк ээни утава.
гээ, ути хагдиа утала лагбанаа, ӈэниктэити, тэу ӈэниктэити,
ҙоӈноу эдэми~ диэлигиэни ситэтиги, эи-тэнэ, тээ~ дэкэлэ имэнээтиги.
утала иигиэни, иигиэк, ниинагиак, тоо илаак, гаагиани,
ути каптаамани, каптаама гаагиак,
''гээ, цэҙэ jэу-дэ бими, ситэни бими,
бии тоотиги вээндээ илаалиа понтолигиктами, тээгиjэ, илигиjэ,
ситэjи гаагиак, вээндээни тоотиги, илаалиа понтолотогиани,
эниӈэ~ бии кэту њамаиҙи ӈуаи, оно ӈуаи, сањаҙи њамаи баи.
ути абуга тэгэҙини каптааси њамаи бисэ ути.''
''jэу сањани њамаи биҙэӈэи,'' гуӈкини, гээ, эи-тэнэ ваагиани,
ниинагиани, кэ~ ситэjи ӈаалалани ҙавагиа~ ӈэниэни~ ӈэними ӈэними
омо ҙугдила иинээти, эjэ~ нада аҙигаҙига,
сугбувэ тоӈ тоӈ коӈкониӈэсиити гунэ,
''э~ эхэ, идиги эмэи-jэ,'' гуӈкини, ''сии,''
''эмээми бии, сунтиги ҙимаами.'' ''эхэ, аӈаасиjа сии
мундулэ. иду иду аӈаасии ӈуакцаи, иду,
эхэ буу њаадигава сии мафаи гээнэсээни,
мамаасанами гадалагами, эинэӈи эмэҙэӈэни эинэӈи гадами.''
сии буу эниӈэду биjэ.'' эниӈэнэми, эниӈэнэфи нантаити.
гээ аjагиани. ситэjи-тэнэ, дэгдивэни тэу~ jэуҙи-кэ бутуэк,
соктоуак, ''мэнэ, мэнэ гусиjэ сии.
эҙи-дэ исэси аминтиги,'' гунэи,
бэjэни-тэнэ дэгдиjи доӈдолоjи сэунэлээ~, дамива коӈголоо~ даиҙи,
тээсиини~ дэгдиjи бакчигаа утаду,
тии ичааҙи каптаани бакчигавани исэптэ.
тээсиини~ тиа тиа~ эмээ гунэ. хууҙи аива хэбунээ, эмээ гунэ.
ииjэни-ҙэнэ, омо чудиэни чоо эхиндуни буукцээ гунэ,
''иду буукцэи сии минду.'' ''ими ии сии
чоо сагди эи биэ.'' ''ути таати буу эниӈэвэ,
бэjэни мамаасавани ути таати ути буу эниӈэвэ,
бакчига, тээивэни исэjэ.'' ''э~ эими саа бии,
э~ мама~ сии аҙигаӈи бууjэ, минду.'' ''ҙаваи-ҙа~
гэлэисини чаалаисини-дэ ҙаваи-ҙа~,'' гуӈкини,
эи-тэнэ, аиӈивани ҙаваа умиани-э~ хэӈкиэни, мамаасатиги.
утааси-тэнэ эхиндуни бууэни, таду буундээ, оду буундээ,
малаани~ аиӈи гээ, мутуи-лиэ, гаҙии-нэ ӈэниэни~
мамаасанами аҙигава баами. тиманаӈи, бисини~,
тиманаӈи логҙо логҙо эмээни утаухи, ути-тэ, аӈива, вооктоҙигава,
пудэӈку хэкээни, сагдиҙи~ нии-будэ,
утала сэунэлэвэнээ дэгдинэни талуҙи,
дэгдиӈисиэ jаанани гулугунэни тэу вооок, аӈманани, талугава,
нэдээк ээни, дэгдинэни утала аӈмаӈисиак,
даива дамива тэувэк элээ эмэлигэ, дами тэувэк, даива бууэни,
аӈмалани чугаани, пуњуу пуњуу пуњуу дамисии гунэ, чугаани.
бэjэни-тэнэ jэу-кэ нихэини утаду тэээни, эмээ гунэ чэӈгэ чэӈгэ-дээ
мафани. ''сии-нэ аали эмэи-тэ,'' ''эи сикиэни эмээми бии.''
''э~ сии хаи бии мамасаваи тиинэми эмэи сии,
jаҙами мамаасанами гээнэми эмээми-ҙэнэ, бии.''
эмусэ биини-jаҙата ути. гээнэи jаҙами,
эмусэ биивэни. гээ ваалии-лиэ~ утадиги ваалии ваалии
лиаси-даа вооктоӈи тэу-дэ, оно-до вээндэлэми
хаи сокчолиилиа тээгии гунэ~ оно-до вээндэми-дээ
хаи сокчолиилиа тээгии гунэ,
''jэу сањани бими кэту маи, биини,'' гуӈкини, ''эи.''
оно вээндээ сокцолиилиа тээгиини дэулиэ jэгдигэ алиjа-лиэ-дэ.
абуга~ сии исэсиjэ, ааҙи утаухи-а,
jэу сањатиги ваалии-даа сии,'' гуӈкини, ситэни-тэнэ.
''сии исэсии утава ааҙи, хэгихэ.''
э~ воокто тэу чикаптаани гунэ. гээ утава вээндэгиэни.
''њаа оно кэсэусиҙэӈэи, сии минэвэ,'' гуӈкини.
''њаа оно нихэҙэӈэи-тэ.'' jэу-дэ эсини диана,
jохоjи ҙавагими олоктоони дигаванаани, ''гээ оно нихэҙэӈэи,
эмэҙэӈэи-нуу эҙэӈэи-нуу,'' гуӈкини.
''гээ эмэтэмиҙэ оно jаҙами.''
эмээ-мэи. ситэjи тэтигисиэк, ааҙи каптагиак хулааҙи, тухилэни тэувэк
сэугиэк, jамага jамага иӈи лугбаҙигавани иӈи сањавани,
иӈи-даа аактавани ҙаваҙаӈани гиэни. ута тэундээ лугбаҙигаjи.
тухи иӈкуалаа утадиги-сэнэ мафалаани элээ,
анчи нет больше.
Two sisters lived together
Two sisters lived together. Two bears came along. The bigger bear sat beside the older sister, and the smaller bear sat beside the younger sister. The younger sister covered herself with a blanket and lay down. The older sister was afraid, but she boiled some food. She rushed around, being very frightened. The older sister boiled some food, poured it out and brought it before the bears. The bears grasped their spoons, and even had second helpings. The younger sister thought these couldn’t be real bears, because they ate hot food. The two bears ate and left. The two girls became pregnant. ‘Where did we get this from? We didn’t do it with anyone, and we haven’t gone out to play nor met anyone. Well, there were the bears that came… But how did we get pregnant? Anyhow, if the babies are going to be born, they will be born.’ The older sister gave birth to her child at home. She shaved small branches of a berry and laid them at the doorway. She also laid down bark from the white birch tree. She took some white birch bark and made a cradle out of it. The younger sister didn’t shave any wood and didn’t make a cradle. The older sister gave birth to a baby boy first. After a while the younger sister went out. She tied together some pieces of cut cloth and took it outside. She didn’t want to give birth at home, and so went to a place with a lot of grass. She gathered the grass to one place and gave birth to a baby boy there. The younger sister disposed of the umbilical cord and swaddled her infant with the pieces of cloth she had brought as swaddling clothes. She came back just before evening, carrying her child. Her older sister asked, ‘Where did you go to give birth?’ ‘Is there any place where I could not have given birth? Outside it’s already very warm.’ The two lived together, bringing up their children. The younger sister bathed the children, washed them, swaddled them, nursed them and put them to bed. Then she turned into a bee and went outside. She went inside a house. There were people singing there. When she looked through a hole, she saw two young men. They were making a spoon or something, and putting patterns onto the wood. The younger brother got angry in the middle of his work, and destroyed everything that was made. ‘Why did you destroy everything? We were going to take these to the children tomorrow to make them happy.’ The younger sister flew home. The children were still asleep. ‘My younger sister, where have you been all this time?’ asked the older sister. ‘I was just walking around outside,’ answered the younger sister. After one or two days, a young man came, pulling a sled. The younger sister was under her blanket. The man who came was the husband of the older sister. She made a fire and boiled some food. ‘My younger sister, your big sister is going away now. It looks like he’s going to take me away to his home,’ said the older sister. The younger sister didn’t say anything. The older sister left many things behind for her younger sister. ‘What was I doing? I didn’t even see my sister off,’ the younger sister got up. All she saw was the back of her sister going off into the distance. She got back home and said, ‘What am I going to do?’ The younger sister took some black cloth from the storage shed and made an outfit from it. She made an outfit with the hood, sleeves and legs all linked together, like a bag. She made an outfit for the child as well. She then lit a fire. ‘My child, if you are really that young man’s child, then as I throw you into the fire you will roll three times and turn into a bear cub especially for me.’ She threw the child deep into the fire. The child rolled three times, turned into a bear cub and got up. She herself also jumped into the fire. She turned into a mother bear as well. She took her child and went out of the house. They reached a cave where a big bear was hibernating. ‘Grandpa, can you please move over to one side?’ she said. ‘My child’s freezing, please let me put my child to sleep.’ So the bear moved over to one side: ‘All right, come in.’ She let her child in first, then went in after him. She put her child to sleep and then went off to sleep herself. Now people from the village were coming, following their tracks. The big bear woke up and sensed what was happening. ‘We are in big trouble,’ he said. ‘They are going to kill us, both you and me. They found your tracks at the a place not far from where you were.’ This turned out to be true. At around lunchtime they arrived. The big bear said, ‘I’ll go first.’ They pierced the bear with spears and killed him. Next, the bear cub went out. He ran towards his own father. His father shouted, ‘Don’t kill my child! ‘ But they killed the bean cub. Lastly, the mother bear came out. They captured her alive. They tied her up, both hands and feet. The father said, ‘Damn you, I said “Don’t kill my child!”’ He took off his clothes, wrapped his child in it, then threw him onto a storage rack used for hunting expeditions. He left the child there and went home.
The next day, young men came to the mother bear. The mother bear had snapped seven spears when she came out, so they had not carried her back. They brought her back on a sleigh. They put her outside a doorway. The older sister of the mother bear heard that they had carried her sister back. Her husband must have told her. The older sister cried as she came to the place where her sister was. ‘Oh, my younger sister, they say you could be killed at any moment. Why did you ever turn yourself into a beast like this?’ The older sister cried. Her bear sister brushed off all the food that the older sister had brought for her. She did not eat anything. She became even more annoyed as her older sister cried. The next day, the older sister gathered up the bowls and dishes that her bear sister had brushed aside, then went home. The next day the older sister did not cry when she came. ‘My younger sister, eat up. Don’t be angry anymore. You say the young men were bad, but you did this,’ said the older sister. Then the bear sister ate everything that that had been brought for her. Even when her older sister said, ‘They will probably kill you tomorrow,’ the bear only listened in silence. After a while, the older sister went home. The next day, they arose and said, ‘Okay, it’s time for the kill. Where shall we bring her? Let us kill her so that we can eat her flesh.’ They killed the bear. At that moment, a blob of blood swished through the air and stuck onto a tree. They killed her and went home. As they dragged the bear away and took out the internal organs, they dug the ground and found aprons, personal ornaments and things with patterns. They brought these to the forest, dug the ground there and buried them. Then they went home.
The blob of blood turned into a bee and flew to the place where the child was. When it got there, it turned into the form of a human. She carried the child back. ‘If you’re really the young man’s child, you will slap your knees and get up when I throw you over,’ she said as she clasped the child and threw him over. The child stood up and took the cord that had been wrapped around his body. ‘Mother, I was nice and warm when I slept because Father had wrapped me with the cloth,’ said the child. ‘Your father wrapped you up very well,’ said the mother. ‘Yeah, I was very warm when I slept,’ said the child again. She went back with the child.
At a certain house, a sound was heard: ‘Pound, tap, tap.’ They went inside that house. Seven sisters were tanning fish skin. They ate and drank tea together. When the woman said, ‘We’re leaving now,’ the girls said, ‘Please do stay. Your husband will come tomorrow to ask for the youngest sister. Please be our mother.’ ‘Where’s my son?’ asked the mother. ‘Your son is playing freely by the furnace. We’ll give him a toy as well,’ they said. So she put up at their place. The next day, she sat with a cigarette in her hand and a headdress over her face. The young man came. He brought some liquor on his sleigh. He entered the house, and tried to give the oldest sister some liquor. But the oldest sister said, ‘Can’t you see our mother is sitting right over there?’ The young man said, ‘Oh, I didn’t notice. She wasn’t here yesterday.’ So he said, ‘Grandma, please give me your smallest, youngest daughter.’ ‘If you like her, you may take her,’ she said. She drank of the liquor he brought, and he knelt and bowed down before her. Then he poured everyone a drink. Only he didn’t give any to the daughter who was to be his wife. He brought the daughter home with him. All who were left laughed hysterically. ‘Our older sister! He thought you were our mother and even bowed down to you!’ they said.
The next day, she got dressed and went back to her own cottage. She lit a fire and boiled some food. She slept for the night and woke up the next day. After eating, she went to cut the grass. She cut a lot of extremely long grass. She tied it into a very big Pudengku (a figure made of grass). She put some white birch bark on it for the head of the figure, She knew her husband would come back again. The young man came to return the youngest daughter. She sat the Pudengku down in a position so that one faced it square on when entering the house, then put a smoking pipe in the figure’s mouth. Her husband came in and saw the Pudengku. ‘When did you get here?’ ‘Because you’ve made me suffer, I’ve come to demand a proper marriage,’ the Pudengku spoke all by itself. They began to fight each other. He could throw the figure over quite easily, as it was light. But the figure kept standing up and could not be overcome. The tip of the grass was also sharp. The child said to his father, ‘Father, you must be tired.’ The father was catching his breath, huffing and puffing. ‘Father, who are you fighting with? Don’t lose sight of him.’ The Pudengku collapsed into a loose heap. The father said to her, ‘Boy I’m tired. Can you possibly punish me anymore than this?’ They sat down together. She untied her braided hair, cooked it and gave it to him to eat. Then he put the child onto the sleigh he had brought, together with everything else. The wife followed him from behind. They were married. The end.