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An older brother and a younger sister were living together Folk tale of Udehe/(Udihe) by Kanchuga, Zuza Zanzulevna Source
Original Text
хуњаҙиимула биити омо агани, омо хуњаҙиини
хуњаҙиимула биити ҙуу, омо агаани, омо хуњаҙиини. туу ҙуӈэ багдии хуњаҙиимула~ бими~ аӈи аини-тэнэ туу вакцаи~ вакцаи гээ~ ӈэнэи-лиэ догбои-лиэ~ ''гээ, оно нихээ эи.'' аими суалавани~, писоковони тэтиэни, пумпу богдовони даампи, тиӈмэлээ илигиэ гулиӈкини~ аими хоктовони чуулини-дэ. суала дуктэмэи, эсини хули ивэ њониҙэ-тэ ути. суала дуктэмээни аинтиги, ӈэнэми ӈэнэми њонилиани сиата сиата дуктэмээни, вогҙалии-лиэ-дэ ӈэнэми~ ба'агдиани аими эмэгиини э~ мэнэ вэиjи тэу илиакаҙи кэҙээни гунэ. ''оно нихэи, ага.'' ''элээ~ аҙига будэми.'' ''ага, оно ими будэи агаа сии.'' ''эими саа эи догбони бии аӈасии-лиэ jэу-кэ jэу-кэ хулисээ,'' гунэи. ''jэу-кэ бисэ, jэу-кэ бисэ эси исэ. уихи дэгдэгигэ. уихи дэгдэгиэнҙи ӈэнигэ. элээ будэми,'' кэптэи-лиэ аини~ суала соктоуми кэптэи-лиэ суала уилэни. соӈоони~ ''оно нихэҙэми бии.'' соӈоони, суалани ҙуӈэ суалани дилилани хэкээнҙи хэкээк иӈкуалагиани~ ҙугдитиги. ҙугдитиги иӈкуалагиак, ҙугди доолони-гда иӈкуалагиак, клавать вэjэтигини оно-гдо оно-гдо гадаани~ кэсэми кэсэми-дэ аими, утаду, кэптэгивэнэини ванига-да. ''эи сикиэни эмэгиҙэ диганагими сања вооони ваӈнасами ''этусиҙэӈэи.'' лоово гаисаак, лоово ҙэувэни~ ааҙи ааҙи суэгиэни jуэгиэк суэгиэк нихээни. аими диэҙэлэни тээфинэк ээни. бими-э~ хактилигига гээ, чэӈгэлллл~ такчика~ саӈњамугула дооо. ''адададада~ нии ээктэни-дэ сэфинэиҙэ~,'' дианаа, аанта гунэ кэjэни. тээфинэи~ ''оно нихэҙэми.'' хэгиэлэ тээӈкэ гунэ, ути аими ҙулиэтигини, ''хааи хааи хааи,'' гунэ илаалиа таги. аини дэгдини чаалигда~ ӈэнээ гунэ тэу-дэ. ''элээ элээ илэ ини пиандауҙаӈа ава сасалани. ата будэ, саӈчаку даусуку илэ пиаландаҙами.'' jаӈҙалаи утаду киалани чисооси тээсии. ''саӈчаку даусуку,'' jаӈҙалаини-да, лоондоони на три часть лоондоони, илаалиа лоондоони. (амбаава?) иӈкэ. ути аанта амбаавани. ''энэнэнэнэ нэ~,'' дэгдэгии-лиэ туу саӈњамугу чуулини-дэ. њаа утэ-бэдэ эсэи биэ. хоӈто нихэми хоӈто. не то я забыла это не то ути оно-ко бисэ~ оно бисэ~-дэ. оӈмооми~ воогди аӈани багдими~ утава эими-дэ нимаасии~ эими-дэ jаа. тимана тээгиэ, ''гээ, агаа сии-кэ мэнэ битэиҙэ оду. бии ӈэнэҙэми ааҙами синэвэ вааа амбаава. амаихи эмэгиҙэми-э jаҙами эими саа.'' аҙига ути хаиси баата бими-даа аjа. ''аjа, эҙэӈэи будэ, хаи эмэгиҙэӈэи.'' баихи ниувэк, ааҙи тэтигисиэк, ниинта тэгэвэни, ниинта хэигивэни. чисомпува богдово тэтиэти, пумпу, гулиӈкини~ суала тэтигисиэси аими гаҙигисээми хоктовони чуулини пикуми дуктэмээни. ӈэнэми~ омо сагди~ тоӈи биэ гунэ, утаду, тауҙа мэjэлэни ӈэнээни. сагди када пунца биэ гунэ утала. эи~ утала jэу-гдэ jэу-гдэ гиамани биэ гунэ, хаиси. ути када пунца, ''оду тээҙэми бии, jэу-дэкиэ мэдэвэни сааҙами. када пунца цаалани, тээфинээни тээсиэни~ ''jэу-дээ дами эи дига~ эи-дээ jаа jэу сањавани jаҙами. туу туу мэисими тээҙэ-ҙэ.'' гэ~ утаду тээсими тээфинэи амиаҙаӈа эмэгиэ гунэ, ути буjини-тэнэ хуаӈниани, ''энэнэнэ, энэнэ~ энэнэнэ энэнэ~,'' тоӈи биэ гунэ утала хаиси. ''сања хэктиэни минэвэ-дэ ваами токтооми-дэ гунҙэӈэни бии оло иигиэнҙи мэми таусиҙэӈэи. атаи-да ваами мутэ њаа минэвэ.'' эмэгиэ иӈгулэ~ ути тоӈитиги њохаӈка гунэ, чау~ӈ-дэ. пичала~ илактаӈигэ, гунэ, ути кадама пунцала туктигими, сиӈкиэ гунэ~ омо паи сиагига гунэ. (иҙи сиӈкиини?) сиӈкиини ути кадатиги. ута њаа хутиӈэӈигэ гунэ~ њаа туктигигэ гунэ. ҙээ сиӈкиивэни токтоони~ тэу хуаӈниани тэу либа либа хуаӈниак вээсиэк ээни тэу баамбаа вээсиэни. таухи эухи-дэ. ''багдигиjа њаа сања вооони. сии,'' гуӈкини. ''бии агааваи диганагилагами багдигиjа,'' гуӈкини, ''сања вооони.'' гээ. ток ток тэу вээсиэни элээ баамбаа тээ~ jэу jэу баатигини уэтигини, диихи наатииги. гээ, ута њаа сикиэгиэни~ тээсиини~ сикиэ~ оно бисэ~ оно бисэ, сикиэ... фуру~фур диэлигэ гунэ омо такчика~ дооо гунэ. ути моо илаа гаа биини. суу уигилэ омо~ суу суаӈхулагиити омо, суу гакпуитигини омо. ҙуу аҙига доонодуга гунэ. ''этэтэ,'' эхинтиги, ''этэтэ-дэ ниэктэ кэту сэфиини эи сикиэни, али-даа доому аjа буубуи оло доому.'' ''гээ, нэхусэ сии jэу мэдэвэни сааи.'' ''эхэ~ бии мэдэвэ саами маӈга мэдэ. эхэ, синэ jэу мэдэвэни сааи,'' ''бии-дэ маӈга мэдэвэ сааи,'' ''jэу мэдэвэни сааи.'' ''эинэӈи нии свадьва-лэни хулигэи-э~ хабава-даа ҙавакцадуга, jэу-гдэ ҙавакцадугз~, карма-ва-да вооjо гундугэ~ халива-да вооjо гундугэ минэвэ.'' ''этэтэjэ~ мэдэвэ ути,'' гуӈкини нэӈуни-тэнэ. ''утэ-бэдэ мэдэ эими гунэ бии утэ-бэдэ мэдэ, эи бии мэдэвэ бааами догдиа маӈга мэдэ,'' гуӈкини. ''jэу мэдэвэни догдиаи нэхусэ, синэ.'' ''э~ эи минти биифи биаса дээлэни, омо jэгдигэни хуњаҙиимула биити.'' гунэини. ''ути-дэ оло-гдо иинэми аjа,'' гунэи, ''минти мафанафи.'' ути пуҙин мэнэ дуисии утаду. ''эи, оло эмээси нии-дэ ҙаваи бисэ чимчаjи дуэлэни њаӈга сакиа симиндэми минти њаӈга амбацаалани амбаа, сэвэцаалани сэвэ ата эдэ~.'' ''сањаӈа гусааӈкини сии-дээ буу сакиаваи эисикцэвэу,'' гуӈкини. ҙаӈтаjи гаагиани эи-тэнэ ути аанта. ҙаӈтаjи гаагиак, ҙаӈтаjи бэjэвэни илээгиэк. ''ҙаӈта ҙаӈта минтиги jаӈҙалаивани ваани саӈалини чуули ӈэнэҙэи-э,'' гуӈкини. гакпаани-а ''хаку энэнэ~,'' кэтигэ тиӈмэлээни нэӈуни чокпологиани, хокономи хокономи диэлигии-лиэ ӈэниктэи-лиэ. гээ, ӈуаани утаду аӈасиани jаухи ӈэнҙэ-тэ утаду догбоо-гэ. утаду аӈасиа инэидиги тимадула, инэидиги-э тээгиэ, тэтигиэ гулиӈкини~ сакиати~ сабдами сабдами ӈэниэмэти, ути чуули ӈэнээни, хоктово ути, ӈэнээти хоктово чуулини-дэ. гээ~ омо ҙугдила иинээни хаку утала хоконоо гунэ, ''энэ энэнэнэ~ энэнэ~'' хоконоо гунэ утаду, суалаjи игамувэ, уихивэ нэдээк, ииjэни. ''э~ нэӈуни, элээ эмэи jэу нии эмэи,'' гуӈкини. чаjа чудиэни дами тэувэни дамисиванаини. хэӈэфулээни. ''jэгдигэ~,'' гуӈкини, ''бии эхимэи хаулиа эҙи мэиси, буу утэ-бэдэ эу нихэ,'' гунэи, ''jэу-дэ гээвэни эу нихэ. баи утэ-бэдэ хулими хулиу,'' гуӈкини, ''буу. бии эхимэи хаулиа уисигиjэ,'' гуӈкини. ''баи, аӈими, диаӈкини ути хуаӈцами диаӈкини,'' гуӈкини, ''эҙи тагда гээ хаулиа-да.'' ӈэнэми таӈдагиани ҙаӈтава эи-гдэ~ ваагиани~ туу туу ӈуаани. эмнэ гаагими уни анчи эсигии-jаҙата. утадиги оно-ко бисэ, оно бисэ утаду. утэ~ оӈмооми бии утава совсем-да. утадиги оно бисэ, я забыла.
An older brother and a younger sister were living together
An older brother and a younger sister were living together. The older brother went hunting, and did not come back even after dark. ‘I wonder what’s happened,’ said the younger sister as she put on her brother’s skis and hunting clothes. She put on a headdress and a shawl. She set off, falling occasionally and getting up again. She followed her brother’s footprints. She had never trekked around on skis. But as she headed for her brother, she improved and started skiing with strength. The older mother returned and they met. His body was tied all over with cords made from the bark of willow trees. ‘My older brother, what’s wrong?’ ‘My younger sister, I’m going to die.’ ‘Why are you going to die?’ ‘I don’t know, but someone came to where I was camping last night,’ said the older brother. ‘There was something there, but I didn’t see what it was. It flew up and was gone. Now I’m going to die.’ The older brother put the skis on the ground and lay there. The younger sister cried. ‘What am I to going to do?’ She tied to the heads of the two skis together and pulled her older brother home. She managed somehow to put him to bed. She laid him down on his back. ‘It’s coming again tonight, that thing. It’s coming to eat me. It’s coming to kill me.’ ‘I’ll keep watch,’ said the younger sister. She took a long sword and sharpened it well. She sat behind her brother. When night fell something landed down on top of the chimney. ‘I don’t feel well, and I have a chill,’ said the being. The being spoke with a female voice. The evil being sat down below the older brother. The evil being shouted three times: ‘Hoy, hoy, hoy.’ The older brother’s face turned very pale. The evil being said, ‘Which part shall I bite first? Should I bite the cheek first? If I did, he’d probably die. Hmm, let’s see, which part…’ As the evil being was talking, the younger sister slashed the evil being in three places. The evil being, reeling with pain, flew straight up the chimney and escaped.
The next day, the sister said to her older brother, ‘My older brother, please stay here. I’m going to chase after the evil being that is trying to kill you. I don’t know whether I’ll be back.’ If this girl was a boy she would made a fine one indeed. ‘Don’t worry. You won’t die. You’ll be back,’ said the older brother. The younger sister set out wearing male clothing and a headdress. She skied along the tracks and found a big lake. She went to the edge of the opposite side. There was a big cliff, and there lay bones of many different sizes and round stones. ‘I’ll sit here. If there’s any information around, I’ll catch it here.’ So she sat there. She didn’t smoke, so she just waited quietly. Then, some being came up from behind. It was the very same evil being that she had cut with a sword. It kept saying, ‘Ouch, ouch, ouch.’ The evil being said, ‘That bitch. She must be telling everyone that she’s killed me. I’m going to treat myself here. She can’t kill me.’
The evil being then jumped into the lake. It appeared again, dripping with water. As it rubbed its body against the cliff rocks, the wound attached itself completely to the rock. The very moment it jumped into the water again and tried to rub itself against the rocks, the younger sister struck down on the evil being. She cut it into pieces and threw the pieces everywhere. ‘There. Try and revive yourself, you son of a bitch!’ she said, and threw the pieces in all directions.
Once again the sun set. Something flew over. There were three branches in a tree, each pointing at the direction of sunset, the meridian sun and sunrise. Two bird sisters came to perch. The older sister said, ‘What news have you got?’ ‘Have I got news for you! It’s really amazing news. What have you got, my older sister?’ ‘I have amazing news as well.’ ‘What kind?’ ‘I went to a wedding today. The men there tried to grab my breasts and asked me to sew them pockets and make them cigarette holders,’ said the older sister. The younger sister said, ‘You call that news? That’s not what you call news. What I heard today—now that’s really amazing.’ ‘So what’s the news?’ The younger sister answered, ‘Upstream from where I live, a young man and his younger sister were living together. They were saying, “If only someone had caught them and sucked some of the blood from their fingers. They then could have become evil beings or shamans.” The younger sister heard this and said, ‘They want my blood and my older brother’s blood.’ She reached for her own arrows and drew an arrow, aiming at them. She said, ‘Arrow, go right through the female genital openings of those who laughed at me.’ As she shot the arrow, she said, ‘Yee-hah.’ When the older sister was about to fall, the younger sister held her up just in time. They then flew off. They departed after daybreak. They followed the tracks of blood drops, and arrived at a house. They were groaning there. The younger sister went inside the house. An evil being said, ‘My younger sister, people have come already.’ The evil being poured out tea and put tobacco in a pipe for her to smoke. In order to pay obeisance, the evil being got on its knees. ‘Dear young man, please don’t blame my elder sister. We promise not to do anything like that again. We will limit ourselves to walking around and travelling to and fro. Please save my older sister,’ said the evil being. ‘We were just being mischievous when we said those things. Please do not get angry.’ She pulled the arrow out from the evil being. Then the evil being came back to life and slept soundly. After the arrow was pulled out, the pain decreased.
I don’t remember what comes after that. I’ve completely forgotten it.