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Capturing a house with a harpoon Folk tale of Udehe/(Udihe) by Kanchuga, Zuza Zanzulevna Source
Original Text
ути аини туу соломосии
гээ, ути аини туу соломосии-а~ соломосии соломосии, гиаӈанаӈи соломосинагии утала ӈиала. гиаӈанаӈи соломосими нодоптои-лиэ~ аини. аини нодоптои-лиэ, утала соломосии, соломосими-дэ. ''эи-кээ jаухи ӈэнээ эи.'' галактагии, илэ галактагиҙа дигээфэ нет. гээ эи-тэнэ, бэjэни-дэ соломосилиани утаду тээ'эси. соломосиини-э~ исэсиини-э~ соломосиани соломосии, э~ jэу-кэ сугҙани сололига гунэ~, сагди сагди сугҙа хаку. сагди сагди сугҙа солоо гунэ. уӈтаjи асуктасиа асуктасиа хэигиjи ликпаани. ҙогбоjи, аӈи, хуувэни уласигиак аисигиак, э~ мэнэ удэлэjи иинээси, хэjэлэни ҙогболоони эи-тэнэ. чэгдигдэ нагдаани амаихи тукиагиани иӈкуаланаа-гда, диилэ-гдэ иӈкуалаани. jэувэ ҙугди бууфуи. ҙугди бууфуи. ''гээ, jэу бими сии бии агаваи гадааи. jаухи бии агаваи буугиjэ.'' ''эими саа бии сии агаваи.'' ''гунҙэ гунҙэ хэлэ~ миниӈи агаваи хэлэ~ буугиjэ хэлэ~ миниӈи агаваи элисии бууги хэлэ~ бии-мэли хэлэ~ сии аанаваи улитиги эҙэӈэи тиауги хэлэ~,'' гуӈкини. ''эбэнҙэ эбэнҙэ хэлэ~ миниӈи аана эи огоо хэлэ~ улитиги ҙокогиjа.'' ''бии агаваи эилии бууги эҙэӈэи ҙокоги бии, ''бии эими саа сии агаваи,'' гунэи. суэсэjи гээгинэсээк хуаӈдаани кактаи-да. ''э~ утаду ҙогбо наивани куами~ бии гунэ. ''агаа~ оло ҙаваӈисинаи агаа сии. бии хаиси синэвэ нодооми,'' гуӈкини. (эҙи хэлинэ сэниӈэ. аккиндаани jэвэ. jэу гаагиани ҙугдива.) ҙугди-бээфуи аккиндаани-ҙэ-нэ. ути доолони биини аини. (ну, понятно) . ута гаагиак аими. ''гээ, бии ҙугдиваи ҙокогиjа,'' гуӈкини. ''сии бии мамасанаи бууҙэӈэи-нуу, ута-тэнэ ҙокогиҙаӈаи, бии. бии мамаасанаи элэгэми буу бии агаваи инэми тииjэи.'' ''гээ, буутэмиҙэ,'' гуӈкини, ''аҙигаӈи нэхутэмҙэ тимана. ҙокогиjа хаулиа-да. дагбугиjа бии аанаваи хуаӈниами.'' хаку дагбугиани аанавани хуаӈниами, дагбугиак ҙокогиак ээни. ''тимана нэхуҙэӈэи.'' ''цэҙэ тимаана нэхуи-лиэ мамасанами.'' утадиги чаихи оно-ко бисэ~ ути. нет, дальше его нет, анчи, умаацаи ути.
Capturing a house with a harpoon
There was an older brother who made a living by spearing fish with a harpoon He went to the shore everyday and speared fish. As this older brother was spearing fish, he disappeared. ‘Where on earth did he go?’ the younger brother searched for him. He searched all along the shore, but couldn’t find him. So he too began to spear for fish himself. One day he saw some kind of fish go up the river. It was a very big fish. He took off his shoes, and rolled up his trousers. He dipped the handle of the harpoon in water so that it would not slip, then took his position. He speared the fish’s head. He pulled the fish ashore. It turned out to be as big as a house. ‘who are you? You’ve taken my older brother off somewhere, haven’t you? I want my brother back!’ ‘I don’t know anything about your brother.’ ‘You better tell me where he is. I you don’t, I’m not going to let your ship go back in the water.’ ‘My ship is almost dry. Put it back into the river.’ ‘Not unless you give me my brother back.’ ‘But I don’t know anything abut your brother.’ The younger brother brought an axe and smashed the ship part into pieces. In the midst of it, the older brother was sitting there shaving the handle of a harpoon. ‘My older brother, have you come to catch fish? I’ve been looking all over for you, because I couldn’t find you,’ said the younger brother. ‘Well, I guess I’ll push you house back,’ said the younger brother, ‘but on one condition: bring me a wife. Because you’ve had the nerve to kidnap my older brother.’ ‘All right. I’ll give you a wife,’ he said. ‘I’ll bring my daughter here tomorrow. But stick the broken pieces together and push it back into the water.’ So he stuck the broken pieces of the boat together and pushed it back. ‘I’ll bring her tomorrow.’ ‘Make sure you do.’
Let’s see. What comes after that? There’s nothing after that. Yes, this story’s a short one.