The otter
Folk tale of Udehe/(Udihe)
by Kanchuga, Zuza Zanzulevna
аини-тэнэ jэгдигэ, нэӈуни-тэнэ ҙоото.
туу кэптэи~ аини дианаа~,
''э~ эи ҙауӈава оно ваауҙаӈа,
талаасиуҙаӈа бисин-дээ.''
нэӈуни ӈэнэми~ баихи ниуми-э~ ӈэнэи-лиэ.
гээ~ эмэгии-лиэ, эмэгиэни нэӈуни.
аинтиги исэсиэ баихи исэсиэ гунэ.
эjэ~ ҙауӈава вааати гунэ~ гаҙиак
тэгэсиэк, олоктои~ талаасии нихээни. бэиндуни-дээ дигаваӈкини.
бисини~ бими~ элээ ҙугэ, аӈи,
ули киаӈи аӈинаи-лиэ, поӈтонолиини.
ҙугэ ихэми, ӈиаихи эувэни гунэ~ ҙугэ хэгилэни њуханаани~
ули гаафа эjэхи, ӈэнэми~ омо, деревня иинээни.
эи~ свадьба-лаити гунэ, хаку. jэгдигэ, мамаасанами гадаини.
мэи бии аjа аанта гунэ, исэсиму мэи алагдига.
гээ, ута-бэдэ. логҙогу~ исэсиэни~
гээ ути аанта, тэу дигами мутуэ, ӈэниктэдугэ гунэ,
ути аанта таухи гиаманаа эухи гиаманаа~,
мэлэхи ҙавами эувэни ӈиаихи.
''гэ~ пуҙиэҙэ,'' гуӈкини, ''ули гадаигату-даа биэ,
jэу нихэҙэӈэти-дэ биэ, эҙи гаӈна,'' гуӈкини.
''утэми бии-нэ jэу мамаасани бими,
сии дигалаи-даа эи олокто~ ули умилаи-да эи сооло~
оно биҙэми бии-нэ. jэу мамаасани бими утэ-бэдэ.''
''аjа~,'' гуӈкини, ''jаҙа ути.
гээ, маа, бии аисима чуанҙаҙи соолонои-ҙа
чуанҙаjи буувэни~ аисима чуанза хэбунээ~ эувэни~ утаухи.
гээ, ути соолооси умими-да аjа, сања вооони,
куҙиэни утаухи. мулэкчи саӈалини куҙиэси умиани.
аӈмани чуулини туундээни, луаани~ будээни,
утаду суӈгэм-дээ.
'э~ оно нихээи пуҙиэҙэ ули гаӈнами чуанҙаҙи
ули гаӈнами ӈэнэми jаухи ӈэнээ,'' исэнээни тээ~
будээни буубуи ути, мулэкчи киадуни.
хаӈкаани ути, ҙоото туундээни аӈмани чуулини ҙалиани.
эи-тэнэ гаагиати эи-тэнэ э~ тэумэли саӈала эӈпэми
эӈпэми уӈкиати тэу jэу-дэ эсити бааги~.
''гээ элээ ути сэинэ утэ-бэдэ будэҙэӈэни бисини биҙээ,
илэ баагиҙаи утава. jэу вааӈца-ҙа,'' ӈэнэити.
гээ, гроб-инани воои~ баала нэдэи, нихээти.
''э~ этусиҙэфи, вааа амба хаи диганагиҙа.'' этусиэти~
этусилиэти~ тоо илааси баану. эгди нии эгди нии тээсиити,
элээ~ элээ инэлигэ. ''гээ, ӈуактаҙафи сафани.
jэу сањани амбаани-да эсини ваа биҙэ,
мэнэ будээ будээни биҙэ.''
ӈуанактаи-лиэ~ тэу ӈуактаати сим сим-дэ.
''эи-тэнэ оно нихэҙэми бии.'' лимби лимби туктэи-лиэ уихи.
оно оно, таухи хуктиэ, эухи хуктиэ, таухи хуктиэ, элээ инэлигэ.
jэу-кэ моовони бааани, дилилани куаӈчика чиӈгэдээни.
хуктиэни тааӈкилани кактагиани, кактагиани, ути,
ҙоотомо ниа. утава нодоок, удиэнэгиэк ээни. jэгдигэнэгиэни.
''гээ, гээ~ баама андаjи,'' гуӈкини.
''муивэ тиндаи минду, диэлии муивэ хэлибэдэ элээ, инэлигэ.
чээ мэӈдэ диэлии муивэ тиндаи.'' гиаӈгуа~ тугбуи-лиэ.
утала уунами-а уихи дэгдээти~
мамаасанами баами хуктуэни утала тээмди-дэ.
ӈэнээти~ ули эjэихи диэлиэти~ диэлиэти, таа, омо бэлиэнтэ,
омо jэгдигэ, биэ гунэ~, хаи хуњаҙиихи гунэ аҙигахи-да.
таа таухи мудагиак, утала хэгихи дооок,
нааду кэтэтэтэтэтэ ӈэнээти~ утаухи,
''бии синтиги, ҙэуниҙэми бии синтиги ҙэуниҙэми,
эҙэӈэи-дээ аӈааси, эинэӈи иӈгула гулиӈиҙэӈэи бии.
сии аӈаасиjа, аӈаасиjа, гунэтэиҙэ, 'агаа аӈаасиjа, агаа аӈаасиjа,
гунэтэиҙэ. бии муивэ чиӈгэдэи, хэтигэнтэиҙэ.
таа маафала дуjухи.'' гээ, эи-тэнэ ӈэнээти~ утэ-бэдэ~
''э~ идиги эмэу суу,'' ''гээ~ гоониги эмэу буу.
эи-тэнэ, эи синиӈи, ҙугди хуњаҙии, сии-дэ хаи ҙугди хуњаҙии,
гээ минҙуӈэ ҙуэниҙэфи.'' ҙуэниэти, эи-тэнэ,
jэу jэу-гдэ олоктондооси дигаати.
''гээ, буу эҙэӈэ аӈааси эинэӈи ӈэниҙэӈэу.''
''ими.'' ''бии ҙугдиду биэ,'' гунэини,
''ицаи нэӈуми эи-дээ муту эи-дээ jаа.
ути оно ата соӈо, эи догбони эмусэ, њаула.''
''конечно туу бисити оно аӈаасидуҙа.''
гээ, гулиӈиани, гаҙинаа эивэ ӈэниэти тээти.
''гээ, агаа аӈаасии, агаа аӈаасии,''
чээни моӈолиа моӈолиа тукиагуасилиани, эи-тэнэ.
ути ҙуӈэ уунагиати. ҙуӈэ уунагиати-та,
элээ~ таа~ таухи ӈэнээти кутэтэтэ ӈэнээти,
элээ дэгдэгии-лиэ коӈкоо дооломи нихэивэни,
анчи-гда, хэтигэӈиэни, чээ дуjухини.
тикэ~ дэгдэгиэти~ илантуӈа ӈэнии-лиэ.
э~ эjэихи диэлиэк, эҙэтиги солиотиги хуугиак,
ҙугди солиоҙоло бии-jаҙата. догбогиати~ диэлигиэти,
ҙугдилафи иигиэк, ниуктээк, муи каjагиак ээти, уихи.
гээ, билиэти~эи-тэнэ.
оно бисэ-дээ утадиги я забыла. иигиэк ҙугдила иигиэк,
утаду бисити~ ути ҙубэ аҙига мамасаҙи,
долааӈкила тээсии-э~ ''гээ, вооjо суу,''
наава тиак тиак воооти. ''сии-тэнэ мээми бууфиҙи вооjо.''
дэгдинэни талу, дэгдиӈисиэк, jаанани гулугунэни инэни чугасиак.
''гээ, сии-дээ мээми бууфи вооjо.''
мафати-да хаи мээми бууфиҙи вооони.
''гээ, минти-тэнэ тээ диэҙэлэ дигэнэнэҙэфи. элээ эмэити.''
дианаму илактанаи-лиэ. э~ унакта дуэлэни эмэити
хокчоити. тиинэгиити сааити илэ-дээ биивэти.
саанҙи хокчоити гаҙигиити, аҙигаӈифи.
гээ утадиги~ ''гээ эи-тэнэ оно jаҙафи.''
''гээ, гээ оно jаҙафи-та аjа.'' ''минти-на оно jаҙафи.''
''минти ӈэнэҙэфи-тэнэ таа диэҙэлэ.''
ути ҙуу аҙигаӈи хэбунээ ӈэнээни~
диэҙэ пиоӈголооло тээнээти утаду соктоува тээнээти,
дигэнээти, кэптэити утаду илаантуӈа.
ути ҙуу аҙига-тэнэ мэнэ вооити, хаиси наама нии,
ҙугди доони мэнэ вооити, хаи, jэгдигэ-дэ
хаи кэптэини киалани, дамисими-а~
jэу сања паки-даа.
нии-дээ эи биэ, хаи дамисими, кэптэи-дээ.
иинэгигэ~, њаа амауми њаа амауми, эмээ гунэ,
''jэу сањактани бими, нии хуњаҙиивани хуктунэсэи, сии,''
иинэми хэтигэнээ гунэ, диихи.
ҙуҙумэли бии-jаҙа, ҙуу хуњаҙиива хуктувэни.
ӈэнэи-лиэ~ нет эи~ ути, наама утиэгэтуҙи,
ваалига гунэ, гаиту-гдэ-дэ, баихи таӈдами-а-даа.
биам биам сиктэӈдэи-лиэ. гээ ути ҙуу аҙигаӈи гаҙинаа,
пороход тэугими-э~ ӈэниэти~ ути,
наама утигату мэнэ диэлэ ињэми~ саа ињэми исэсии
ути аҙигаҙига ӈаалалани ҙаваа гаҙиани тэугиэк, пороходадо.
гулиӈии тэээк, мудаӈии-лиэ~ амаихи эjэӈии-лиэ.
утаду бисити~ ''гээ, минти исэнэҙэфи, оно биити-э,'' гуми,
''наама нииҙигава исэнэҙэфи.'' њаа ути аӈи,
диэлии муиӈиjи гэлэгиэк, уунааси диэлиэти~.
э~ гагдала ииjэти хаи оњово вооми~
утиҙуӈэ ҙуэсимэсиэти гунэ.
эиӈини таухи буува, эиӈини... тииӈини эухи буувэ.
ҙуэсимэсиэти, мамасалагиак ээти. хуњаҙиифи ҙуэсимэсиэти.
хаиси оњоӈисиити гунэ~ исэсиисини,
jэгдигэ пуи~ хаи наама ниила,
''хаи оњоӈисии-jа сии,'' хэ~ афуктаа,
тиӈмээни гунэ~ гиӈгом вааи, оњо тиӈмэи-лиэ,
''энэjэ~ ими будэини~ эи,
аагда бии доолони воои доолони-да~.''
ваӈиҙа воои бугэи нихээни соӈоми соӈоми-даа.
гагдалани ӈэнээси, хаи утэ-бэдэ туундээни,
афуктаи-дээ, туундэисини, тэу афуи тиӈмээ гунэ,
чамнаа гунэ~ ути-дээ хаи соӈоми соӈоми бугээни-э~
оно jаҙата мамаасатаами.
гээ, эи-тэнэ, утадиги оно-ко бисэ, оӈмооми њаа.
The otter
There was an older brother who was a young man, and his younger brother was an otter. The older brother said, ‘How do you catch ciscoes? I’d really like a meal of raw fish.’ The younger brother went out and came back. He had caught some ciscoes. He cut up the fish, stewed some and served some as raw fish. The ice had begun to crack and melt along the banks of the river, so the otter dived under the ice and went downstream. He arrived at a village. A wedding was being held. The bride that had been brought by the young man was a very beautiful woman. All had finished eating and gone home. The woman took a bucket and went down to the riverside. ‘My dear wife, there are other people who can go down and fetch water. Don’t go and do it yourself.’ ‘Who then can be called a wife? How can I be called a wife if I don’t cook food and fetch water?’ ‘All right, go and fetch some water with my kettle.’ The wife went down to the riverside. She should have drawn the water and then drunk it, but instead she bent down and drank from the open hole in the ice. The otter spit saliva straight into her mouth. It got caught in her throat, and she died. The young man was worried and went down to look for her. He found her dead at the water hole. She had suffocated. He broke up the hole, but found nothing. ‘I’ve had enough. She was probably meant to die this way. Just who killed her, and where can the culprit be found?’ he said as he went home. He made a coffin and put it outside. ‘The evil being that killed her will probably come and eat her. I’ll look out for it.’ He made a fire and many people kept watch. Then dawn came. ‘All right, let’s get some sleep. She was not killed by an evil being after all. She probably died all by herself.’ All went to sleep quietly.‘What am I going to do?’ said the otter as it finally climbed up onto the ice. He ran around everywhere and hit his head with something like a rod. The otter’s skin split straight down from the top of the head, and a young man appeared. He put down the otter’s skin and became a Udehe young man. ‘My heavenly friend, please drop me a chariot with a flying horse connected to it.’ It dropped with a crashing sound. He rode in it, captured his own bride and flew into the sky. He flew toward the lower reaches of the river.
There was a young woman and a young man there. The otter young man landed and drove his chariot ahead. The otter young man said to the daughter he had captured, ‘I’m going to go past your place without stopping. We are leaving without today, without staying for the night. Later on I want you to say ‘My older brother, stay for the night.’ The moment I let the horse go, I want you to jump onto the chariot.’ And so they went. ‘We are you from?’ asked the young man of that place. ‘We are from afar. You have a young woman at your place. Let us make an exchange.’ They exchanged the young women. They had a meal together. ‘We are going back before the day’s end,’ said the otter young man. ‘Why?’ ‘I have a younger brother at home who cannot do anything by himself. He will cry if he’s left alone for the night.’ ‘Why yes. It would be difficult to stay the night then.’ And so the otter young man took the young woman he had received in exchange and was leaving. ‘My older brother, stay for the night!’ said the woman who was to be left behind as she ran around the chariot. The otter young man and the young woman got in the chariot. The chariot started moving. Just as it was about to fly off, with a handclap as a sign, one more person rode onto the chariot. The three went off. The chariot was headed downstream. Then it turned back upstream. They reached home at night. They alighted from the chariot, and the horse flew off into the sky. There the three started living together.
The otter young man sat between his two wives and said, ‘Make exact images of yourselves.’ So they hardened some clay and made some mannequins. They made faces out of the bark of white birch, attaching eyes and eyebrows onto them. They husband also made an image. ‘All right. Let’s hide far away. Those people are coming soon.’ Even as they were speaking, the people arrived. They came to recapture the woman. They knew where their own young woman was. ‘What are going to do?’ asked the women. ‘It’s okay. Let us go to the outskirts.’ The young man carried the two young women and entered a hole far way. There they put down some matting and sat down. They lay down and hid. Inside the house were the clay mannequins. The young man’s mannequins were also lying there. What skillful craftsmen these people were! The mannequins were just like real people, smoking cigarettes and lying down. The people after them came into the house. ‘You son of bitch, stealing other people’s wives!’ They went into the house and the clay young man started fighting with them. When they brought it outside, in fell apart into many pieces. They brought the two clay women, put them onto boats, and went home. They took the women by the hand and went home. The young man said, ‘Let us find out what happened to the clay people.’ So they called for the flying horse. At the first house they went to the clay woman was sewing something with a pattern. The otter young man spat some saliva onto the clay. She fell apart and died. ‘She was so healthy. Why did she die?’ When he went to the next house, he did the same thing and spat saliva at the mannequin. It fell apart and died. They cried for her and buried her. What else could they have done? And they had already gotten married. I’ve forgotten what comes next.