госо каjавани
Folk tale of Udehe/(Udihe)
by Kanchuga, Zuza Zanzulevna
госо каjавани
госо каjани доӈдиа~ доӈдиа,
сугдэмэ доӈдиа~ доӈдиа,
эухи ӈэнэивэ доӈдиа~ доӈдиа, госо каjани даси каjани
доӈдиа~ доӈдиа, jэу-дэ маӈгани доӈдиа~ доӈдиа, гээ,
омо хоктоли-э доӈдиа~ доӈдиа, илиуи-дэ jэу доӈдиа~
доӈдиа,'' гуӈкини. ''цэҙэ цэҙэ, сэӈбу сэӈбу лэулиэни,
таухи-э ӈэнэи.'' ''гээ, ӈэнэҙэми, бии хуњаҙииваи хаи
хуктунэсээти.'' эи jэгдигэ хуњаҙиивани хаи
хуктунэсээти ҙоминасаати нии. гээ утаухи ӈэнэи
хоктолити. ӈэнэми~ њаа ути омо аӈила ииӈкити, хаи
ути омо госо каjалани. утала хаиси доӈдиа доӈдиа
ээти, утаду. ''ӈэнэҙэфи, гээ, гэjэ. бэлэсэ.
ҙахии каjани-э доӈдиа доӈдиа, гэфии ӈэнэҙэфи доӈдиа
доӈдиа'' ''цэҙэ~ цэҙэ бии-дэ ӈэнэҙэми, бии хуњаҙииваи-да
ҙоминасаати~,'' гуӈкини. гагдани-тэнэ тииӈи-тэнэ,
''jэу-да маӈгани эдэисини, омо хоктоли илиуи эи биэ jэу,
доӈдиа доӈдиа,'' гуӈкини-э ути. цэҙэ цэҙэ
гээ, ӈэнэктэи-лиэ~ илаатуӈа. илаа баата. эи~ ӈэнэми~
њаула иинэи~ сэӈкивэ доӈдомҙигаи гэгбэити гунэ, ути
сэӈкивэ. э~ исэсиини, jэгдигэ исэсиини-мэт бэjэни
исэсиини~ нуани хуњаҙиини, нуани ээтигини эмээ гунэ~,
буктасими буктасими буктасими, эмээ гунээ нуа ээтигини.
сэӈки доолони чисоо~си аласиани, доофо ӈэнээни утаухи.
''гээ~ оно jалагами эмээи, нэхусэ, сии эмусэ.
''аjа аjа, иду гэгбувэ эхээ сэӈкивэ.''
''эи сикиэни синэвэ, синэвэ аӈила бии,
исэити гунэ. мэундэи пугэсилэгэфи.
тугэ эмээмэи, эмэивэи-дэ эивэи-дэ.''
''гээ, гээ аjагиани, пугэсиҙэӈэти.'' гээ эи-тэнэ,
ӈэниктэҙэӈэ, гээ, суу тээ тилэ аӈанаи эхээ.
элэлэ гооло аӈасинау. буу сундулэ аӈасилэгэфи.
исэгиэк гунэу, бэjэти мэнэ мэуниӈасиҙаӈати
утаду, суу анчиду сэӈкивэ.'' гээ, ӈэниэни.
''гээ, гээ суу буу аӈаанау воӈноjо
тээ тилэ-дэ. таа гооло-да. буу тэу исэгиэму
илаатуӈа тэу-дэ, илаа аанта. суу, суу мэугэсилэгэу
буу оно биҙэу.
суу эҙэӈэи гуачи баа,'' гуӈкини.
''гээ, цэҙэ биҙэ воӈноҙофи,'' воӈносооти аӈаанати
утала, тээ чаила гооло, тоо илаак, соктоунэти
соктоувэк, хулаанати буувэ. аӈаанати утала. гээ, сикиэ эмэи
бади аjаҙи диаӈкини-jаҙата, ''эхээ суу экуку биjэу,
эҙи уги, эҙи уги. ӈуактаҙаӈати.'' эи~ мэуӈиати.
ки'аса самаани, сугдугу самаани, олохи самаани бисэ.
оло-дэ хэдэдэдэ, хоӈгогогого, фуфуфуфу, маӈга сэунии,
''ими ололо эмээ-бэдэ биэ.''
гээ~ гаи, ''jэу чэҙэлэни jаӈҙалаува суу,'' гуӈкини,
ки'аса самаани-тана, ''вадигиа сии, jэу jаӈҙалаи,''
ута њаа сугдугу самаани, ''сугдугдугдуг
сугдугдугдуг эдэдэдэ эдэдэ хакуни, ээктэни эи нээ
сэфэнэҙини эи оло эмэктээти-бэдэ биэ.''
''гээ гээ суу-кэ jэу-кэ цэҙэвэни,'' дианава утэ-бэдэ.
''гээ~ гээ,'' ӈасахи самаани.
киа киа~ киа, киа киа~ эмэгдэини,
''э~ jэу-дээ анчи буубуи-э~ jэу мэдэни-дэ эи саупта буубуи-э~
jэу-дэ анчи. эи оно jаани~ ути jэгдигэ амуду тактуувани-нуу.
сагдиаӈку самаа тэу утэ-бэдэ исээти. тэу,
''ути амуду тактуувани гунэ ути, анчи буубуи-э~, хулэктэ-мэи,''
гунээ ути. ''биоӈко-мэи бии буубуи-э, аӈаани-даа ҙугдини-да.''
гээ эи-тэнэ, тэу бааниасиак мэуниӈэсиэк ути мэуниӈэсиэк
утаду тэу ӈуактаи-jаҙата бэjэти. эи аантаҙига утаду тэээси
утаду ӈуаати мэнэ~ гээ, мэуми мутэми ӈуактаати, тэу-дэ.
ӈуактами-а~ элээ догбони тэулэ эдээтигини њаа ҙафуаӈдаати~ эи-тэнэ.
њуӈу-сэнэ гидаҙи гидасии, сэӈмиҙи аккисии, тэу магиати,
jэу ки'аса, самаани бими-у, jэу ӈасахи самаани бими-у,
jэу лаудали самаани бими-о, самаана биивэ тэу магиа,
чукчукчук олохи сусаани~ чиӈгэдэми эсити нагда
куаилани дуэлэни-сэнэ чиӈгэдээти. тэу ути jэу, тэу магиати,
олохи аӈива, ӈасахи самаавани, jэу самаани тэу магиати,
''э~ эи догбони њаа сугдугдугду,'' диаӈкини.
''нии сакианҙини биаса эjэҙэ ули, омо ули
биасани сугдугдугдугду,'' ути чоо аjа самаани исээти.
сугдугу, сугдугу самаани. ицаа чинда'а ути. гээ утааси
ӈуактаи-лиэ~ ҙафуаӈдаати, ки'аса самаани, лаудали самаани,
эсити исэ. ӈэниктээк ээти амаихи.
ути, мэнэ мэнэ хуњаҙиифи тэу ҙуэсимэсиэти~ мамаасалами,
мамаасанафи бааак ээти утигату. њаа jэу бисэ.
госо каjавани
A young man’s older sister was captured and taken away by evil beings. The evil beings had dragged his older sister away. The young man went off following their footprints. He arrived at another young man’s place. That young man’s older sister had just been captured by the evil beings as well. ‘Let us go together, young man. My older sister has also been captured by them.’ When they went further there was another young man. His sister had also been captured by the evil beings. That young man said, ‘When one is in trouble, should he not stand in the same path as others?’ And so they became a band of three young men and travelled ahead together. They arrived at a marsh, and found many women gathering marsh ledums. As the first young man was watching this, his sister came along, breaking off and gathering branches of marsh ledums as she came. ‘Why did you come here alone?’ ‘It’s okay, my older sister. Why are you gathering marsh ledums?’ ‘This evening those beings are going to perform shamanism to ascertain where you are. They want to see whether you would come quickly. They know how to use shamanistic magic, you know.’ ‘All right. So they know magic. They are not here right now. My older sister, I want you to stay over there with the other women, faraway from this place. We will stay at your place. If you say you are having your menstrual period, they’ll do their shamanism by themselves. Light up the marsh ledums.’ The older sister went away. The evil beings came back. The women said to the evil beings, ‘We want you to put up our tent far away from here. We three are all having our menstrual periods. We understand you are going to perform shamanism. If we are not present then no calamities will come upon you.’ ‘You’re right. Let us go and make the tent.’ The beings went far off and lit a fire. They put down matting, prepared blankets and pitched a tent. When evening came, the young man explained his plan better. ‘My older sister. Please be quiet with the others. These beings will fall asleep.’The shamanism began. The White-tailed Sea Eagle Shaman, the Sparrow Shaman and the Squirrel Shaman were there. One of them shook a great deal and said, ‘I don’t know why, but the young men seem to be here already.’ The crow said, ‘As if that were true. He’s just saying whatever he likes.’ The White-tailed Sea Eagle Shaman also said, ‘Stop that. What are you babbling about?’ The Sparrow Shaman spoke again, saying, ‘I’m feeling a bad chill. They seem to be here now.’ ‘Hey! Are you really speaking the truth?’ said the Grey Heron Shaman as he squeaked. ‘There doesn’t seem to be anything. We hear no messages. Perhaps the young men fell into a toilet hole.’ All the old shamans seemed to see things the same way. ‘They don’t seem to have fallen into faeces. It’s all ashes. I don’t see any tents or houses,’ they said. When they had finished performing shamanism, they all fell asleep. The women got up. At midnight, just the six of them pierced with spears and arrows, killing every single one of them. They massacred every being their, including the White-tailed Sea Eagle Shaman, the Grey Heron Shaman and the Snowy Heron Shaman. Only the Squirrel Shaman managed to escape. They tried to kill him, but only managed to strike the edge of his ear. ‘Once more he blood of human beings will flow like a small river tonight. It would become a big river.’ The most accomplished shaman had the foreseen the events his way. It was the Sparrow Shaman. The young men went back to where they had come from. They exchanged their women and married them, thus finding their partners.
I don’t remember what happened after that.