A Fox Lady
Folk tale of Nivkh (Sakhalin dialect)
by Nadjezhda Yakovlevna Tanzina
к’эӄ ршаӈг.
ығрӈывк, во ньэӄрух
азмдь ӈивӈ гин, п’мам ғин тораф п’ит х̵унвдҕун.
ин эғ̧лӈ мэнӈ ивдҕун.
р̌аӈғэғ̧лӈ гин, азмдь эғ̧лӈгин.
нр̌ак ин ыткх̵ара, ымкх̵ара тавух кузт видҕун,
ытк ӈа ӈангр̌ вира, ымк алр̌ п’эр̌ вира.
эғ̧лӈгун то раф пит х̵унвдҕун.
ымк вийнӈа ин хэрд;
«ургун х̵унвэ,
нар̌тоҳтьин т’ар̌ыр̌ылғвэ. ».
эғ̧лӈҕун т’амыт тораф п’ит лэрдҕун.
п’лаӄрухр̌ыр̌ылх х̵аба,
потьурлкар̌ раӈғ юғд.
надата тур̌ ин нағӈ т’ивд.
эғ̧лӈгундоҳ итт,
« ыныя потьурлкар̌ эғ̧лӈҕун,
т’анвэ ньаҳ тьиӈ пр̌он лэрҕувэ
индор̌ лэрд,
индор̌ лэрӈа, мэчак туньм
такаӈ ӄовр̌киғ̧арҕур̌ эвд.
эғ̧лӈҕундор̌ лэрд,
лэрд х̵афкэ итд;
« танвэ ньаҳ п’зоӈрух х̵ир̌к ӈанғҕувэ. »
эғ̧лӈҕун х̵ун р̌аӈг, к’эӄ р̌аӈҕ х̵адҕур̌ иазуғарт
иаӈаҳ п’ир̌к ӈанғҕудҕун.
иаӈ мэчаӄ руньм кылкар̌ такань ивд тайҕута.
нуғир̌аӈғэғ̧лӈ п’и х̵ирк ӈанғҕуд,
к’эӄр̌аӈғ р̌аӈҕэғ̧лӈ дьоӈрух
х̵ир̌к ӈанғд укмур̌
п’мэчаӄ туньм такань ғир̌ иаӈ дьоӈр̌ чэвд.
р̌аӈғэғ̧лӈ к’од вотир̌ позр̌ х̵унвд.
азмдь эғ̧лӈ иототнд;
« ианр̌ ньасӄ позр̌ х̵унвд ?»
к’эӄ ранг итт;
« иаӈ к’одра,
т’ана ньаҳ п’ух х̵ир̌к ӈанғҕуя. »
азмдь эғ̧лӈ к’эӄр̌анғ мэчаӄ туньм кылкар̌ такань нр̌ыд.
наӈа нан к’эӄ р̌анғ х̵ад йаймд
азрыҕур̌ понғӈдоҳ вир̌ ӄ’ау к’омӄ ҕэр̌ п’алми сид.
ваурор̌ к’эӄ р̌анғ роҳ фовд,
х̵уӈ р̌анг пана мағр̌ к’эӄ рукмур̌,
р̌ы хутиух ӈаки вэлвэл кузр̌ вид
кузр̌ ӈилы хад. харор̌
ин ыткғин, ин ымкғин пр̌ыӈа,
азмдь эғ̧лӈ итт;
« к’эӄ р̌аӈғ пр̌ыр̌
асӄ зоӈр̌тоҳ мэчаӄ т’уньм такань ғир̌ зоӈр̌ чэвд,
иаӈаҳ к’оҕуд.
ньи иаӈ мэчаӄ туньимух кылкар̌ такань идыт,
ӄ’ауӈ к’омӄ ваутот йоск фовд,
иаӈ к’эӄ рукмур̌р̌ы хутиух кузр̌ ӈилӈил х̵ад.
инр̌аӈг эғ̧лӈ напы позр̌ х̵унвд.
йимк оҳт х̵ондӄ ғэр̌
иумих к’эӄ ӈаврки ҕузур̌,
п’р̌аӈғ эғ̧лӈ тот июпд.
х̵аба ин эғ̧лӈ ньаҳ кулу т’ырд. х̵арор̌ итд;
« ыныя ньи к’од х̵ари.
х̵авуғэ мин ӈивӈҕун
к’ау ӈаук ваутот п’раф тьоньхкун
фофтх̵адҕун фуру.
к’эӄ р̌аӈғ х̵экиладоҳ к’ау ӈаук хлуд фуру.
х̵авуғэ туктоҳ к’эӄ р̌аӈғ ығр̌тьиӈ эғ̧лӈҕун ньағрхсуд.
A Fox Lady
Once upon a time in a village, a man and his wife lived in a winter-house.
They have two children.
A girl and a boy.
One day their father and mother left home,
Father went out for hunting, Mother went out for gathering berries.
The children stayed home in the winter-house.
Mother told them when she went out ;
Be in good manner,
if anybody comes don't open the door."
The children stayed quietly in the winter-house, playing.
Suddenly opening the door,
a beautiful lady entered.
She came into the room and she sat on the long-bench.
She told the children ;
Well beatiful children,
please let me play with you !"
They played with her,
played with her. And [little finger]
she clenched her fist holding her (little finger's) nail inside.
with the children,
she played and played, and then said ;
"Please let me delouse your head !"
The children didn't know that this lady was a transformation of a fox,
and let her delouse their heads.
Her little finger has a long nail but they didn't know it.
First the girl let herself be deloused,
but the fox lady, from the girl's
head didn't delouse,
With her little finger's nail she stabbed the girl's head.
The girl fell down asleep.
The boy asked ;
Why does my sister lie down?
The fox lady said ;
She is sleeping.
Now please let me delouse yourself !
The boy, on her little finger, found a long nail.
And he understood that a fox had transformed into the lady.
He went to a corner of the room calmly, got a dried salmon roe and put it into his mouth.
He chewed the roe and spat it at the fox lady.
The lady lost her mind, and became a fox.
From the door, swaying its tail side to side, it went out.
It went away. A little later
when their father and mother came back,
the boy said ;
A fox lady came
and stabbed my little sister's head with a little finger's nail,
and made her fall asleep.
I found, on her little finger, a long nail and,
chewed a dried salmon roe, and through the teeth, spat it at her.
She became a fox and, through the door, went away quickly.
Their daughter was sleeping still.
Her mother took a medicine chest
and took out a fox hair
and, tied it to her hands.
Then their daughter opened her eyes and looked around. And then said ;
Oh, I have been sleeping !
Nowadays we human beings, following this story,
chew dried salmon roe and at the corners of a room,
spit it.
It is said that the fox lady seriouly dislikes dried salmon roe.
And then, there, the fox lady never did harm to the children again.
That's all.