Folk Tales
- Kolyma Yukaghir (3)
- Chukchi (46)
- 1-8 The Whale and the Reindeer
- 1-10 The Mouse and the Snipe
- 1-1 The Wolf, the Raven and the Mountain sheep
- 1-2 The Mouse and the Arctic fox
- 1-3 The little Hare and the Devil
- 1-4 The raven and the little Hare
- 2-01 Ememkut
- 2-02 Men and Beasts
- 2-03 The Guy in a Raincoat
- 2-04 Two daughters
- 2-05 Pamyanle
- 2-06 The Shaman Brothers
- 2-07 The Reindeer Herder and the Coastal Man
- 2-08 The Rich Man and the Beggar
- 2-09 The Smart Reindeer Herder
- 2-10 The Orphan Girl
- 2-11 Akannakay
- 2-12 The Raven and the Wolf
- 3-01
- 3-02 Миӈкри ейвэл гэӈэвынъюлин чавчывак
- 3-03 Ӄликъэнӄэтыльын ӈэвысӄэт
- 3-04 Апатчай
- 3-05 Тынотгыргын эӈэӈыльын
- 3-06 Ейвэлӄэй
- 3-07 Валвиӈын ынкъам кэльэнпыӈэвӄэй
- 3-08 Паннаяӄын вагыргын
- 3-09 Аръампакойӈыӄай ӈыронрылгыльын
- 3-10 Валвиӈын ынкъам пчеӄалгын
- 3-11 Тагрывъаглыӈын, пэвэлӄэй ынкъам въайпылякылгыӄай
- 3-12 Эмчьачокалгын ?эвынъюльын
- 3-13 Валвиӈын ынкъам рэӄокалгын
- 3-14 Ӈавъыттъиӈын
- 3-15 А’ноквынэн ӈэвъэн ынкъам А’ноквын
- 2-13 The Arctic Fox and the Bear
- 2-14 The Brown Bear and the Polar Bear
- 2-15 The Orphan
- 2-16 Beetle—the Creator of Diseases
- 2-17 The Wily Woman
- 2-18 Nuteneut—the Fox
- 2-19 Kaleyonav
- 2-20 The Seagull and the Snipe
- 2-21 The Guest
- 2-22 Eypenen
- 2-23 miŋkəri mrænæ ɣætæmʔuŋlin kətəjɣən
- 2-24 sakəɣæt ənkʔam əlleŋi
- 2-25 kalʔanto
- Nivkh (Sakhalin dialect) (14)
- A Fox Lady
- Monster in old house
- Monster in a house
- Monster in the water
- Monster cause children die yang
- Monster of the sea(1/2)
- Monster of the sea(2/2)
- Monster wanted a metal pot
- Monster cald "Genigvn"
- Trapping a fox (1/2)
- Trapping a fox (2/2)
- The other world (1/3)
- The other world (2/3)
- The other world (3/3)
- Nanay. Najkhin dialect (6)
- дэхи морин
- вэчээн
- эикэ нэу балз̌ихани
- эм мамаачаан пиктэмулиэ балз̌ихани
- эм пуз̌ин эмучкээ~н балз̌ихан
- пикачи
- Ulcha/(Ul'chi/Olcha) (4)
- Ewen (5)
- оон этикэjэкээн аjаврин долчiдааj нимкаам
- оон этикэн эӈэjэ оодiн
- оон ɵмэн бэj бэлрин з̌оғрiлду
- этикэндүлэ атiкандула-да њарудутын бисин
- эмикээсыл мөөjэр з̌оғрiлбу, аӈыткаарбу-да
- Negidal (5)
- The flying squirrel
- Emeseni
- In the beginning heaven was born
- A certain person lived
- A talk about Emma
- Udehe/(Udihe) (71)
- Seven evil beings
- ҙуу аҙига
- Two sisters lived together
- An older brother and a younger sister were living together
- A squirrel and a tortoise
- A crow
- Capturing a house with a harpoon
- The otter
- госо каjавани
- The firestone from the sun
- бохолиаӈгу
- A young man was living with his wife
- Grandpa Kanda
- Bag
- дээнтэни
- Letige
- уза
- Bone humans
- A story about being led away by a fish
- Seven sisters
- A story about the younger brother of two sisters
- A story about an elder sister who killed her younger sister
- The Manchurian Emperor
- Tsougubiatu
- Tsaugumiatu
- ҙабда
- Grandpa Kanda
- омо баата омо аҙига багдиати
- Bear meat
- The poor grandpa and the rich grandpa
- Painting glue onto a tree
- Mergen (The hero)
- An alder tree
- нада мэргэ омоҙи хуњаҙиити багдиати
- Pizza
- The bear, the tiger, and the human being
- A tiger and a bear
- A child born of a tree
- Nina's legend
- A story according to Nina
- A legend about a shaman
- A legend about a tiger according to Mrs Kukchinka
- A legend about a tiger according to Mrs Kukchinka No.2
- A devilish story about childbirth
- A legend about a hole on a cliff by Mrs Kukchinka
- Children’s games from the past
- A legend about a shaman
- A shaman who survived even after being shot
- Wine came out of the wall
- The Udehe in the past
- Life in the past
- A shaman’s demeanour
- What one did when one couldn’t catch any game
- Tale about a bad shaman
- A talk about seeking good luck in hunting
- Thanksgiving to heaven
- A tiger repays a man’s kindness
- A story according to Mr/ Mrs/ Ms マイヨル
- A story according to Mr/ Mrs/ Ms マイヨル(continued)
- A hunting story
- The tiger
- A legend according to Susan
- A legend
- A legend about a marriage
- Song: Life in the past
- A song
- A lullaby
- A song
- A song
- Taboos
- нагбуӈку
- Koryak (Chawchwen dialect) (7)
- Ptarmigan and Pike
- Как Ворон и Птица-самец ухаживали за невестой девушкой.
- Как Ворон решил жениться на Гусыне
- Черти и малыш
- Ыльв'акадюдю
- mosquito
- Комар (2)
- Alutor (Chukchi-Kamchatkan) (4)